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E P I S O D E  0 5 [√]p a g e  f i v e  :  C O M E B A C K

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E P I S O D E  0 5 [√]
p a g e  f i v e  :  C O M E B A C K

classes are done. mikey cheers. "let's go to the arcade!"

the others cheered approvingly. all of the sudden, they toned down, glancing behind them; where takemichi is and is following them. takemichi continued to look at his phone, pretending not to notice their glances and hear their whispers. they're asking each other if they should let him come along.

"hey takemichi!" mikey swung an arm around him.

[i know it's impossible but imagine manjiro's a head taller than takemichi. (which makes the rest a head or two taller than mikey.) i love tall people that's why.]

"you coming with us to the arcade? won't chiyo-san get mad?" mikey asked, faking out a worried look, as if convincing takemichi to have second thoughts on coming with them to the mall.

not knowing that takemichi has no plans in coming with them. heck he's planning to avoid them for good, slowly. "nope. grandma will get mad. she expects me come home early — actually! she'll pick me up today!" and he's fully aware that sounds childish.

mikey held back a snort. baji approaches. "so you can't come?"

"yeah. maybe next time." takemichi smiled apologetically, swiftly slipping himself out of mikey's arms. "i'll go ahead. grandma's probably waiting for me outside."

the boys nodded their heads, watching the blond waddle down the stairs.

"sinusundo pa siya e ang laki laki na niya." (he's too old to be picked up from school.) nahoya states innocently. he was clueless about the others wanting to kick out takemichi. even souya doesn't know. so he was confused when the others laughed at his statement. "what?"

"he's very dependent on his grandmother, that's what." baji responded.

"weh? hindi naman ah. nakakauwi nga siya ng mag-isa eh." (really? i don't think so. he sometimes go home alone.) nahoya says as the group proceeds to walk down the stairs too. they all head out the building.

they all searched the school gates and the blond was nowhere to be found. they assumed his grandmother picked him up.

"kain muna tayo! gutom na ko." (let's eat first! i'm hungry.) manjiro stretched first before he slouched, rubbing his stomach.

"san tayo kakain?" they all hopped on their own bikes after unlocking them off the school bicycle bollards. manjiro couldn't bring his cause shinichiro broke it after using it for a long trip with takeomi, wakasa, and arashi.

as they talk with each other, they rode their bike and turned to the left, the opposite way to where takemichi ran off to and hide.

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