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Peter Parker had the Nano gauntlet in his hands as he swung to get it to Tony Stark. As he was swinging, he saw the destruction that was being caused all around him. Peter saw that Tony was in the middle of his battle with Thanos. Not thinking, he called out that he had the gauntlet, alerting Thanos and Tony.

Thanos punched Tony away and quickly made his way towards Peter. Spiderman saw this and ran away but was soon cornered by Thanos not letting the gauntlet get away. Having been cornered and seeing no way out, even with Karen he did the unthinkable. He put on the glove.

Acting quickly Peter snapped his fingers, the sound of it echoed throughout the war causing everyone to stop. Thanos' eyes widened as he saw himself starting to disappear into dust, with a small smile on his face.

All around Thanos' army halted their movements and looked around. Slowly but surely all of the army turned to dust before the hero's eyes. The hero's started to celebrate knowing the battle was over and that they had won.

They all made their way to the center joining in a group hug. Tony made his way over and joined the hug before asking a question. "So, which one of you used the gauntlet." Everyone broke the hug and started to look around for who his missing.

They kept looking until Thor noticed something. "Where is man of spiders?" He asked the group. It was at that moment that they all realized that Peter was missing from the hug. Panicking Tony, Carol, and Natasha franticly looked around for their youngest member. All the other heroes looked for Peter as well, hoping to see him again.

Tony flew around in his damaged suit, while Carol flew around slowly due to her powers being drained. Tony kept flying till he heard a groan coming from below him. Flying towards the groan, Tony found an injured Peter with the gauntlet on.

Gingerly picking up Peter he called the rest of the heroes to meet him in the center. Gently putting Peter down, he checked for wounds. He found a lot and at the time Peter was slowly losing consciousness.

The other heroes returned to see a badly injured Peter on the brink of death. A few quickly rushed over to see Peter but he didn't react to them.

"Peter. Peter, it's me, Tony. Don't go into the light Peter, stay with us." Tony said as he shook Peter gently, trying to keep him awake. Peter groaned slightly as he eyes fultered opened and he looked around. "M-Mr. Stark? Everyone?" Peter asked weakly.

"Yeah, yeah. Where here Peter. Just hold on for a while and we'll get help." Tony said panicked. "I I'm sorry Mr. Stark." Peter said weakly as he looked into Tony's eyes. "I I don't think I'll make it." Peter said as he smiled sadly. Tony and the others eyes widened at what they heard Peter say.

"Don't say that kid. You'll be fine. You just need to hang on a bit longer." Tony said as he held Peter in his arms. "Steven, you can fix him right?" Dr. Strange came over and checked on Peter to see if he could save him. Finding out that Peter was in fact dying and there was no way he could save him. "I'm sorry Tony, there's no way to save him." Dr. Strange said as he shook his head sadly.

Tony and the others were shocked that there was no way they could say there little spider. "Mr Stark could you please take care of Aunt May and my friends for me? I know they are going to miss me." Peter asked in an even weaker voice then before. "Yeah, yeah no problem Peter I can do that." Tony said.

"Thank you, dad." Peter said weakly before dying in Tony's arm's.

Tony and the others stood there shocked at what Peter said before coming back to their senses and crying. Tony stood up and hugged Peters corpse close to him saying he was sorry. The others soon started to break into tears as they lost a great hero who just saved the universe.

But this is not where the story stops. Peter story continues into a new universe. A universe that lost their Spider-Man. This universe was 616.

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