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616's Spider-Man was also in the middle of a fight. This fight would be the one to end his life.

Spider-Man was fighting his worst villains: Venom, Carnage, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Rhino, Electro, Sandman, Hydro-Man, Kraven, Vulture, Mysterio, and Kingpin.

Spider-Man was losing the fight. They had caught him off guard and gained an early upper hand in fight.

Venom and Cranage had camouflaged themselves into the background of some buildings and jumped Spider-Man. They were able to get past his spider sense due to a device Doc Ock created. He dubbed the device 'The Spider Blocker'.

Carnage quickly transformed his arm into a whip and threw Spider-Man into the ground. Stunned from being thrown into the ground, Venom quickly took advantage and body slammed Spider-Man, causing a crater to form.

The other villains soon appear as well. Goblin flies in on his glider, Doc Ock climbs over rubble with his mechanical tentacles, Rhino busts through a wall, Electro appears from a lightning bolt, Vulture swoops in and lands, Sandman appears out of a small sandstorm, Hydro-Man came out of a tiny hurricane, Karven flips off of a building, Mysterio appears out of a green smoke cloud, and Kingpin walks in like he rules the world with his cane in hand.

"Spider-Man!" Green Goblin shouted out catching the hero's attention. "Today is the day you die by our hands!" Goblin said as he gestured to the other villains around him. "We are no longer just the Sinister Six, we're now the Sinister Dodeka."

"The Who-deka?" Spider-Man asked as he rose from the crater. "The Sinister Dodeka! You miserable bug!" Goblin shouted annoyed. "Ugh! Whatever! Get him!" Green Goblin shouted and pointed to Spider-Man.

Rhino quickly rushes Spider-Man hoping to get him. Spider-Man saw this and waited for his Spider Sense to go off, but it never did. Confused by why it wasn't going off, even though he was in danger, so he quickly dodged.

He dodged by jumping up in the air, but Vulture quickly took advantage of the situation and struck Spider-Man in the back. "Ack!" Spider-Man said as his back folded around Vultures wing. Vulture then powerfully threw Spider-Man to the ground stunning him more.

Kraven quickly took advantage of this and shot off a paralyzing him further. Venom and Carnage wanted a piece of beating up Spider-Man and quickly jumped in. Carnage used his tentacles and swung Spider-Man around.

Carnage then swung Spider-Man towards Venom and let him go. Venom reeled his fist back and struck Spider-Man right in the skull. It caused Spider-Man's skull to crack.

Spider-Man landed on his feet after the blow, a bit dizzy from everything that has happened to him. He wondered how he couldn't sense the attacks coming. He looked around and saw Doc Ock holding something. "What cha holding their Doc?" Spider-Man asked while he groaned.

Doc Ock just smirked before telling him. "Well since you're going die anyway, I'll tell you. This is my latest invention, The Spider Sense Blocker. This device is able to black your Spider Sense in a half a mile radius." Doc Ock explains.

Spider-Man's optics widen at what Doc Ock said. He wouldn't be able to sense any attacks coming this worried him. So, he took advantage of them not attacking and pressed the spider symbol on his chest to signal the other hero's he was in danger.

The signal was sent to the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic 4, the other Spider's, and other people Spider-Man has had contact with. When the Avengers got it, they didn't react at all and ignored it. When the X-Men got it, most ignored it while Wolverine, Hope Summers, and Jean Grey reacted to the signal and tried to get there as fast as they could.

When the Fantastic 4 all the adults ignored it. But Franklin and Valeria wanted to go out, but their mom didn't let them. The reason their dad didn't do anything was because he was too busy with his inventions. The kids tried to convince their mom, but it didn't work, they were contained in their room.

When the other Spider's got the signal, they raced for their costumes. Miles moved the fastest at his home, but his mother stopped him. She what he was doing to which he responded that he was going to help Spider-Man. She asked why and he responded with he the one who taught me how to be a hero and quickly raced to Spider-Man.

Kamala was one of the others who also got the signal, but she was in the middle of class when it happened. So, she quickly asked if she could use the restroom and got suited up and left to help. Black Cat was also one, but she just ignored it, not wanting to deal with him. MJ also got it, but she was in the middle of a photoshoot.

All the heroes who got the signal and decided to respond to it quickly rushed to Spider-Man hoping it wasn't too late.

Back to Spider-Man. He was in the middle of some of the worst torture imaginable. Kingpin, Electro, Hydro-Man, and Sandman in basically a four-way torture chamber. First it started with Sandman taking all the water out from Spider-Man's body. The Kingpin took him and started to break several bones. Hydro-Man and Electro were tag teaming him next. Hydro-Man would first give water back to his body but then started to drown him while covering his body in water. Electro would then send the most powerful electric shock he could. This caused Spider-Man's body to convulse and be in huge pain. They continue this cycle for 20 minutes while the other villains watch in pleasure.

Green Goblin had waited patiently for them to finish but got impatient. "Stop torturing the bug. I'm going to finish hi off. Bring him over here." The Green Goblin said while he hovered over the others.

"Tch fine. Here take him." Electro said as he passed a broken and bloody Spider-Man to The Goblin. Green Goblin took Spider-Man by the neck and started to put pressure on it. "Looks like this is the end, Spider-Man." Goblin started to say as he kept applying pressure to Spider-Man's neck. "See you in Hell, Wall Crawler." Green Goblin finished and snapped Spider-Man's right when all the heroes who came to help him appeared.

When the villains saw this, they all started to laugh, especially Green Goblin. "Your too late hero's. Spider-Man is now dead!" He shouted as he threw Spider-Man's corpse to the heroes who appeared.

They all started to cry knowing that their friend, hero, and/or crush died right in front of them. New York City was now in the hands of the villains and the heroes could do nothing about it. But little did the villains and heroes know a new Spider-Man would be coming soon and shock the whole multiverse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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