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 HE DROPPED YOU on the bed, quikly pulling his shirt off with one hand

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HE DROPPED YOU on the bed, quikly pulling his shirt off with one hand. His body was perfectly sculpted like a greek god. He lowered his body on to yours while holding himself up, he bored into your eyes as you looked at him unamused

"Are you alright?" he asked looking at your expression. "Usually you'd be kissing me like its your last day on earth"

Ask him

"Sorry i'm just thinking of something" you kissed him on the cheek and smiled "Nothing to worry about"

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah" you tangled your fingers into his beautiful hair, tugging his head back slightly. You looked at his neck then his jaw then your hand wrapped up.

I can't let this bastard see me like this you thought

"Sit up" you told him and he obeyed following you to the edge of the bed.

WARNING: SHORT MILD SMUT AHEAD (Got lazy writing it)

You placed your fingers over his growing erection, slowly palming him through his sweatpants listening to his sounds of approval over you.

You pulled on his pant leg signaling him to take it off, he snuck his hand into the band of his pants pushing them off, with a gentle hold on him you stuck your tongue out licking the underside of his cock., covering the head with your mouth you swirl your tongue around the tip

A Deep groan he let out sounded heavenly, you continued sucking him off as your hands slid from shaft to your mouth as pre-sum spilled from the tip onto your tongue. His grip on your bed sheets not letting up one bit as he kept composure

Not to long later he weaved his hand into your hair ( A/N: If you have medium length ish hair) slowly he thrusted his hips up into your mouth a few times before he came, a warm load shooting down your throat. You swallowed licking the outside of your lips as you stood you crawling back over to the opposite side of the bed.

His back hit the bed a few moments later, studying your expression of disappointment. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing" you replied drily, you couldn't help but think back to his phone call and Mitsuri's words. Ask him

"Come on tell me" he touched your cheek but you retracted

"Are you cheating on me?" you asked.

"No, who put that idea into your head , Mitsuri?" his tone changed

Mumble a reply, followed by a lie

"No." you turned the other way

Now you won't let go

"Alright then" he sat up pulling his shirt on.

"Wanna get something to eat?" you offered.

"Aren't you some kinda master chef or something, make us something" he gleamed with excitement "I haven't had your cooking in forever"

"Okay first of all, when we met i worked at a diner, I have a...new occupation, Get it right. Second of all, i made you something like last week"

"Pleaseee" he begged.

You pursed your lips thinking

"No." You finalized "today your cooking"

"Me?" He flipped over on his stomach "honey if I cook we won't have anything to eat"

"Great" you slapped his cheek light giving him a kiss on the side of his mouth "I'm ecstatic"

He tried giving puppy dog eyes but you slowly walked away while smiling "I'm headed to the store I'll be back"

"Y/nnnn your apartment 'll be burned to the ground when you return" He whines rolling side to side.

"Better not" you shouted out pulling your shoes up your ankles. "See you soon~"

The door slammed behind you as you made your way to the corner store.


"Hina!" You called as you entered. "I need to talk to you babe"

"Hey Y/n" Hinatsuru replied wiping the sweat on his forhead "how are you?"

"I'm good, just missing you" you walked over to the counter "I got stuff to tell you!, so you know Mitsuri right well of course you do we're always together the three of us"

"Yeah what happened" She let her hair down, pulling the hair tie out. "And how about your Boyfriend?"

"Forget about Ten right now, anayways so Mitsuri brought this one hot guy named Rengoku but I call him Ren cause it's easier"

As you spoke Hinatsuru just constantly nodded while scanning different items for costumers. From last night drinking to morning bruises you told here everything.


"So did Ten notice?"

"Girl Hell yeah he did, had to give the idiot head to replace. I'm not into him questioning why I have bruises all over!" you ranted as you popped open a can of soda. "He's an ass really, but he's mine"

"That's nice" She smiled "wanna come over for dinner today"

"No it's okay, Ten's cooking" you sighed before stand up straight quick "MY HOME!" You took off running back towards your apartment complex, the elevator taking especially long.

Once your level came you booked it out headed to your door. slowly you touched the knob, it was cold so you placed your key inside turning it to the right listening to it click.

You pushed the door open and the room was dark a small light from the living room.

"Uzui?" You called out, "I'm back!"

Quickly you kicked off your shoes, once you got a whole view of the living room Tengen was sitting in the blind spot of the door sweating bullets.

"Tengen?" You said sitting across the table on the other side as a candle sat between the both of you and two plates with silver lids over them.

"Is this a date?" You whispered at him.

He nodded stiffly.

"Why are you acting like this?"

Look behind you

"Nothin" He shook his hands catching your attention. "Let's just enjoy dinner" He said lifting the lid on his plate and you followed.

As you looked at what he had prepared you covered your mouth in shock.

"Oh my god"

A/n: I don't have access to a laptop currently so yeah this is the chapter....hope you enjoyed

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