Chapter 56

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JadaMomoa: The Anoa'i Wedding

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JadaMomoa: The Anoa'i Wedding

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Jason and I were invited to the Anoa'i wedding which we have been really excited about. We have been invited to both dates but I will be skipping the traditional wedding tomorrow because somebody has to watch the kids.

The door to the ballroom opens and I begin to sing the I Will Always Love You as the bridesmaid start walking down the aisle. A smile forms on my lips as I lock eyes with a few guests in the room as I pay hommage to Whitney Houston.

If I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way

I lose my breath as Amerie appears at the door but I am quickly able to regain composure.

I lose my breath as Amerie appears at the door but I am quickly able to regain composure

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And I will always love you
I will always love you
My darling, you

Amerie slowly makes her way down the aisle with her father and I make eye contact with my husband who is holding our children on each arm. Jason blows me a kiss and I give him a loving smile as I prepare to sing the bridge.

And I... will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you

I try not to take too much attention away from the bride as I belt out the lyrics in my usual fashion. Once Amerie stops at the end of the aisle, she blows me a kiss just as her twin sons run up to her.

I will always love you
I, I will always love you

I say no words as I politely smile as everyone before making my way over to the second row to join my family.

"Please be seated."

"That was beautiful." Jason tells me as everyone takes their seats and we share a brief kiss. "Really beautiful."

"Thank you."

"Dearly beloved and honored guests, we are gathered together here to join Leati Joseph Anoai and Amerie Camile Sanchez in the union of marriage

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"Dearly beloved and honored guests, we are gathered together here to join Leati Joseph Anoai and Amerie Camile Sanchez in the union of marriage." The pastor looks at us. "This contract is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities."

Kai decides that he wants to sit on my lap so I quickly pull him over before he can make a fuss. This is the first wedding that the children are attending and so far, so good.

As the ceremony goes on the children falls asleep on us and I just find myself tearing up more than usual because the vows were so beautiful. This young couple have really been through it but the love that they have for eachother is so clear for everyone to see.

Jason holds my hand as they start exchanging the rings.

"I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love."

Joe slides the ring down Amerie's finger and she starts crying which makes me tear up. I feel Jelena rub my back since she is sitting in the row behind me so she has a good view of my face especially when I turn to cry.

"And Amerie, please place the ring on Joseph's left hand and repeat after me." The pastor nods at me and Amerie grab's the ring from the cushion.

"I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love."

"And now by the power vested in me under the state laws of California, it is my honor and delight to declare you married." Everyone around us cheer, making the children wake up with a start. "Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may seal this declaration with a kiss."

The cheers only grow louder as the couple share their first kiss as a married which makes me turn to kiss my husband. I would definitely be up for doing a vow renewal after seeing this and remembering all the shit that went down between us because of that TikTok girl.

"I am so pleased to present the newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Anoa'i."


Shortly after the speeches at the reception was made, Jason and I had to leave because our children were sleeping. They were on hour two of sleeping before I decided that we should just go home so we can get them in their bed.

"That was a beautiful wedding." I say with a smile as Jason and he glances over at me. "It made me think that we should get married again."

Jason chuckles, "Save that for our anniversary."

"I can't believe that Kai and Kiana made it through the everything without acting out. I was so worried that we would end up being those parents who have to rush out of the room with the screaming child." I laugh and Jason joins me. "They did really good, I'm so impressed."

"Just don't get too used to it." Jason tells me and I nod my head. "Not everyday is a good day with those rugrats."

"I want one." I turn back to see Kiana looking at us and I stick my tongue at her. "I want rugrat."

"You can have rugrats tomorrow." I tell her and she scrunches her face up as she prepares to throw a tantrum. "Kiana, fix your face."

"No." She crosses her arms and I give her a look. "I WANT RUGRAT!"

"Kiana." Jason sings her name without looking back and she throws her head back. "We can watch rugrats when we get home."

I kiss my teeth as our daughter starts kicking the back of Jason's chair and anger washes over me as she starts pulling at her hair which I pulled into two buns.

"KIANA!" I yell at her and she starts crying loudly so I glance over to see her brother is still out like a bug. "Don't make me come back there."


This girl doesn't even know what she's saying but I have started to realise that my daughter is the troublesome between the twins and I am not happy with that because she has an attitude. There have been days where I have just wanted to backhand her but she's lucky that she's only one years old.

I start unbuckling my own seatbelt as I prepare to make my way to the backseats when Jason pulls off to the side of the road. I watch as he puts the car in park before he gets out without saying a single word, he opens the backseat door and takes Kiana out of her car seat. 

This little madame barely glances at me as she clings to her father who starts gently speaking to her. I rest my head back on the headrest as Jason walks around the car holding our daughter who has her head buried in his neck.

"Kai if you try to act like your sister then I'll kick your ass." I say before laughing as I hear my son make a noise.

After ten minutes of listening to my son sleep, I press down on the horn because I'm ready to go home. Jason puts Kiana back in her car seat and whispers something in her ear.

"SORRY MOMMY!" She shouts and I laugh as she pretends to sleep as Jason kisses her forehead.

"Ok dad." I give Jason a look as he gets back in the drivers seat. "Looks like I need to take some lessons from you."

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