20 - Finn's falling (Reprise)

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There's another makeshift umbrella stand inside the cave, so Finn returns their umbrella to it, making sure to shake off the excess water beforehand; they don't want to be rude. The umbrellas just go to show how innocent and friendly monsterkind is. They're placed here for needy travelers, free of charge, full of trust that the travelers will return them when they are no longer needed. It's beautiful. Finn wants to do their part to help out.

"Yo, there's the dead end," Monster Kid - as Finn has named them in their head - remarks, nodding towards a rough stone wall completely obstructing the path up ahead. It's only a little taller than Finn, and from what they can see, the path continues on top of it. There's plenty of handholds and footholds, and Finn sees no way they could have any problem with hoisting themself up there.

"Watch this," Finn tells Monster Kid, setting the dummy down on the floor next to them, and they dutifully bend down to look it in the face. 

Their hands free, Finn approaches the rock wall, grasps the top ledge, and with one swift, deft movement, propelling themselves upward using footholds in the stone, hoists themself up on top of it. They crawl forward, then turn around, looking down at Monster Kid.

"Yo, that was awesome!" Monster Kid exclaims.

"Now just hand me the dummy and I'll pull you u...." Finn stops, looking at the dummy, then at Monster Kid's obvious lack of hands.


Finn carefully jumps back down the wall, grabs the dummy, sets it on top of the wall, and climbs back up again.

"Sorry," Monster Kid says sheepishly.

Finn shakes their head. "No. That was my fault, I wasn't thinking. Come closer and I'll pull you up."

Monster Kid obediently waddles forward, and Finn gets down on their stomach so they can reach down and get a firm grip on Monster Kid's torso.

"Ok, one, two, three!"

Finn pulls with all their might, gasping slightly at the sudden weight. Monster Kid's feet find holds in the stone, propelling themself helpfully forward. Finn leans back, almost unbalancing and toppling over the wall, but they hold on to the monster for dear life, yanking them forwards with all the strength they can muster. This lasts for a couple seconds, a scuffling struggle between Finn, the rock wall, and gravity, but finally Finn gives one last tug, and they both go flying backwards, landing safely on top of the wall.

"Yo, that was EPIC!!"

Finn climbs to their feet and picks up the dummy as Monster Kid bounces around happily, looking for all the world like they just won a marathon.

"Yeah," Finn agrees, tucking the dummy safely back under their arm. "Let's carry on, shall we?"

The trio continues down the tunnel, where, to Finn's excitement, they find two new glowing plaques. Monster Kid patiently waits as Finn slows down to read them.

"The humans, afraid of our power, declared war on us. They attacked suddenly, and without mercy. In the end, it could hardly be called a war. United, the humans were too powerful, and us monsters, too weak. Not a single SOUL was taken, and countless monsters were turned to dust..."

Next to Finn, Monster Kid wrinkles their nose. "Yo, history is depressing."

"Yeah," Finn says sadly. How horrible would it be, to live your whole life doing nothing but being harmless and innocent, then have your entire race be targeted and slaughtered because of a power that you've never used?


Finn glances at Monster Kid, who is staring ahead, squinting at the path.

"Hey!!" Monster Kid bounces in place, suddenly very excited. "Yo, those look like Undyne's spears!! Come on!!"

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