Author's Note #5

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WOW. well. I did it. I finished it. Kinda.

Now I just have to go back and completely rewrite it so that the plot makes sense!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...

Yeah, if I were grading this, I'd probably give it a 3 out of 10. Actually, no, a 2.5. I mean, the writing's kinda good, but the plot is terrible and when it comes to actually being interesting, this story is definitely on the dry side. I'll fix all that in the edited version, though. The edited rewritten version is going to be FANTASTIC.

That being said, it's going to take me a while to rewrite all of this, and as I'm planning on releasing the rewritten version all at once, it's going to be a while before I post anything. I'm also working on a ton of non-Wattpad stories so it's going to take me even longer to write something here. But whatever! At least I finished this, haha!

Thanks for reading this far!! If you actually got this far, I'm both surprised and impressed. Wow. You have a ton of Determination, struggling through the dryness all the way to the end. You deserve a medal. Unfortunately, I have none to give :( 

But enjoy the rest of your day!! I hope it's fantastic :DD

Edit: Y'all, to be completely honest, I'm probably never gonna get around to editing this thing xDD It was my first attempt at a fanfic, so it honestly doesn't have to be perfect, and I've got other stories to write

If you're looking for something to read after this, feel free to check out my new story, Under(the Reign of)Asriel! Though it isn't about Finn, it's the sequel to this story, and Finn'll be reappearing in the third book.

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