Chapter 48

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I suddenly felt Aiden's finger poking my cheek, I turned to look at his face that had a small smile pasted on it.

"What?" I asked, feeling his contagious smile on my face too.

"Just making sure you are real" he shrugged like it was normal.

"So, am I? Real?"

"Don't know, have to check again."

He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. Savouring his tastes, I bit his lip and licked it afterwards.

"Fuck, you are real."

"What if I wasn't?" I asked.

"I would not want to wake up from this dream then."

"You and your way with words" I scoffed and felt his stomach vibrating due to the chuckle that escaped his mouth.

We stayed quiet for a minute and I raised my head from his chest to see him staring at the sky.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Thinking how we ended up here. When you left me, I thought that was the last time I'll get to see you" I felt his grip tightening around my waist as if he was still afraid of me leaving. "I really thought that that was the end and you tossed me away like I didn't mean anything to you."

"It's funny how your thoughts were completely contradicting to the truth. I gave you up because I was afraid to fall for you, so that I could avoid having feelings for you... Aiden, you know I had everything planned before you entered my life."

"I know... You and your plans for a 'perfect life'. I don't know what perfect life is but as much as I know it isn't isolating yourself, without someone to care about you, or having a reason to smile every day. I can bet you would have never been happy living alone, Miley. What if you lived alone, would you be happy? What or who would have brought a smile on your face? A lifeless house? Who would have listened to you about the shitty day you'd had? The loneliness would have engulfed you in the dark, it would have made you crazy. All the feelings you would have stored in there" he pointed to my heart, "one day it would have reached a saturation point and what if y-you couldn't bear it? I don't know Miley but I know one thing that, it would have been far from a perfect life."

"I... I never thought that far Aiden." I got up and so did Aiden, holding his hand in mine I continued, sighing I told him, "I used to think that love was a word human made to conserve the remaining humanity in them just like the word God. So, my f*cked up mind thought of a life I thought I would enjoy. But my nana, grandpa and you showed me that love exists, just because some people aren't capable of love, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And I can't believe I fell in love with someone. I can't tell you how happy I am to fall in love and to receive the same intensity of affection."

"I am grateful too to find you in my life. I wasn't the type of guy to have one night stand but that day I wanted you too much to reject the offer. And then I came up with that stupid excuse to get yourself involved with me, and then days after days I found myself smiling like a fool while thinking about you. I know it's not a big deal but I never smiled just with a thought of someone. You light up my world with happiness. It's crazy how most of the time you are the reason for my happiness... And now I think about it I remember; my happiest moment of life was when you hugged me at the plant shop. That day you gave me hope to fight for your happiness too, so I did"

"I love you" I said kissing him on the lips to express my feelings. "Hearing you shuffling through my novels to find your stuff or when we argue for the appropriate temperature in thermostat, all these small moments give me peace and happiness. I never want to change this... I just enjoy these sweet-sour moments of ours to even think of regretting letting you in my life. You make me happy too. "

He kissed a tear that fell on my cheek.

"I am happy" I laughed and sobbed at the same time and he embraced me in a hug.

"Want to know a secret?" He asked.

I nodded.

"The first time I saw you was in a library. You were sitting in front of me reading something and I guess you were too engrossed to even notice me. Then you went to put the books back and you forgot your notebook on the table. I waited for you to come back so that I would get an opportunity to start a conversation with you or maybe charm you into coming on a date with me" he paused and chuckled "but you didn't. I opened the notebook and saw your name and like a gentleman I gave your notebook to the librarian in case you came back looking for it."

"Why do I feel like it was all a trap for me?" I laughed, breathing in his cologne.

"Because it was and you fell right on it. Whenever I think this is the most, I can love you, you prove me wrong and I find myself loving you even more."

"I still don't know why you love me so much? It's not like I am any different from others."

"Even though you are not different from others but I do look at you differently."

I raised my eyes to look into his, his eyes deeply stared at me giving me delicious goosebumps.
"Let's go home."

"Let's walk some more."

He grabbed my hand into his and we started walking again on the cold sand near the ocean under a night full of stars.

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