Chapter 41

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"Aiden. Get up! We slept for three hours" I nudged Aiden's stomach by my elbow who denied to move even a little.

"Five more minutes" he said burying his head in neck.

"You said that an hour ago" I sighed and felt a kiss on my neck and a hand in my shirt.

"I gave you hickies" he said yawning as his fingers pinched my nipple.

"Get up, Aiden. I am hungry" I complaint letting out a fake frustrated sigh.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked taking his hand out of my shirt.

"Chinese" I said swallowing the saliva I had thinking about the food.

"Okay, my love" he kissed me before getting up the bed leaving me all alone.

"You kicked me out of the bed, just to lay on it yourself?" Aiden said returning to the room with his hands on his hips.

"I was getting up" I defended. I painfully stepped out of the warmth of the comforter and gave Aiden an evil eye. He ignored my glares and wrapped me in his arms, "date tonight?"

I raised my head from his neck and stared at him.
"Date? With me?"

"No, with Angelina Jolie" he shook his head before leaving me alone in the room. Before I could have taken a step, he popped his head and added, "for your small brain to process, yes with you."

I smiled and took baby steps towards him. As I reached near him, I raised on my toes to give him a kiss on lips. Stepping away he mirrored my smile and held my hand, walking out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked, suddenly a feeling of self consciousness hit me. Though the nightmares were not as regular as earlier but they didn't stop completely. I still felt anxious around people, Jessica said it would be fine but I couldn't get myself to trust her words.

"Here" he replied. "We'll watch movie or p*rn whatever you prefer" he said winking while his hand moved from my hips to my butt. Giving it a rough slap, he picked up his phone to search something.

"No, I don't watch p*rn and don't you dare slap my butt again" I warned him staring deadly in his eyes. He looked at me unbelievably and muttered something that I failed to understand.

"What did you say?" I narrowed my eyes to look intimidating which failed when he laughed lightly but still didn't respond.
Walking to his side, I peeked in his phone to find him looking at different recipes. When my eyes read the content, my heart melted, "aww Aiden. You're searching something to cook for our date night."

"Don't overreact. And yes, I am searching but you are cooking" he said with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Aww baby you are blushing" I laughed before hugging him and kissing his embarrassed cheeks.

"Stop" he put his hand on my forehead and pushed me away.

I stepped to come closer but his hand that was on my forehead stopped me while his other hand was scrolling through the different recipe.

"I want to see too" I tried to appear sad but the hand on my forehead didn't retreat.

Muttering colorful words for him, I went back to couch with a new novel in my hand and huffed, loud enough for someone to know that I was pissed.
The doorbell caught both of our attention and Aiden went to open the door. Coming back he brought our food in his hand.

"Our food is here" he shouted dramatically but stopped when he didn't see my expected reaction.
"Are you mad?"

You noticed, Sherlock!

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