Wet (1)

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Summer in Moira was no joke. It was so hot outside I became an instant sweaty mess. Kai told me they had this thing called a summer solstice and they all had the week off to celebrate. Something like our Easter holidays or thanksgiving was.

Glad to have the opportunity to have a break from campus and all its glorious residents. I was going on a trip to their holiday resort called Key Mainer. I was joining the Welkins, having been invited on their family trip by his dad before things between us had gone south and they were still trying to like me, or at least his dads were. It was going to be interesting since Melixes and his mother didn't like me much and they were taking this 'being on rough patch with Kai' thing a lot more serious. We were taking the Helibus to the beach town and as I was reluctantly approaching Kai with my luggage I heard a squealing giggle behind me. 'Surprise!' Skylark yelled and ran towards me arms raised. 'We are joining you as well!' Behind her the two annoying twins brothers, both with similar smirks on their mouths, were strutting my way.

'Skylark what the fuck are you doing?' I hissed at her.

'Well I was telling my family about the trip to Key Mainer, and since we have nothing to do for the entire week and we have a house there. We thought we were joining you guys.'

Clearly entirely oblivious to what was happening with me and the twins or with Kai for that matter, especially since our entire fight was about Ash. I dropped her arm and pinched my nose in frustration.

'Morning Sweet Cheeks.' Ash slapped my ass and walked onwards towards the Helibus. He literally gave zero fucks.

'He shouldn't be doing that.' Oak stated almost robotically and walked a little faster to give his brother his piece of mind.

Kai ran towards me and was clearly later than he had anticipated. 'Mom and our dads are already at Key Mainer. They just called. They were already at the beach house.' He gave me an awkward forehead kiss and dragged me towards the Helibus in a hurry. We were just in when the doors closed and we had seconds to get to our seat before the entire thing took off in Mach 5.

They were not kidding when they said it was beautiful over there. Purple waves were crashing on a pink sanded beach. The tallest palm trees I had ever seen were blowing in the breeze. Furthermore it was reminding me exactly of Miami. With the lively boardwalk and restaurants covering the coast. We were staying in the Welkin beach house, two buildings away from the Briareve beach house. Which I was kind of hoping they weren't going to be that close all week. But with my luck, off course they would be two houses down.

The Welkin beach house looked like a barbie villa beach edition. It was again rather large, with two pink towers, an oval pool which overlooked the ocean. Unfortunately, the house came with the other Welkin. The evil Welkin and her crazy boyfriend. That was something Kai could have mentioned that I would be sharing a house with Melixes and Sebastian this weekend.

I was enjoying the two suns. Trying to get my tan on. I was wearing a little white bikini. Skylark lay next to me in a red bikini, tapping away on her Telvice. Kai and Melixes were at the market with their parents. They had invited the Briareves over for a good old barbecue. Sebastian had joined us on the beach for god knows what reason. He was talking to the lifeguards a few meters away from us. His tattoos gleaming in the sunlight and his bright orange, way too short, swim trunks were so vivid it was hurting my eyes.

'Let's go swimming Lulu.' Skylark threw the Telvice away as if it didn't cost much money and sprung up from her seat.

'Nah... I'm good here. Thanks Sky.'

'Come on Lulu, please!' she had no idea about my water phobia so she kept on insisting.

'Fine I'll dip my toes in.' I reluctantly joined her at the ocean side. My throat closing up already with that fear that always came when looking at water. The water felt cool to the touch. Skylark ran in screaming with joy and dove head first in a gigantic wave. 'Nope...' I sighed. 'Not happening.' Wanting to turn back and never be this close to open water ever again. I was enclosed by two gigantic arms circling my waist and dragging me up. I screamed. Literally so terrified I had trouble finding my voice. Without looking back, just by his lemon scented smell, I knew it was Ash. 'No Ash, please no! You don't understand! Please!' I was begging, clawing at his arms. He was still thinking I was playing. 'NO!' I screamed. Already crying. The water was to my waist now. Panic, all-consuming panic was singing through my veins. I was going to die here. He flung me in the air and I landed face first in a wave. I hadn't been under since I nearly drowned at that lake party last year. It was instantly cold. I screamed underwater. Scrambled upwards. Choking and spluttering I finally breached the surface. Since I was that paralyzed I couldn't even keep myself up. I went down again. I was seeing dots and my vision was going blurry. I was literally going to pass out from feeling so scared. I registered two hands lifting me up and I was hoisted against a hard body. 'Sweetheart, what's happening?' Ash was holding me up. Not bothering with the waves that were lapping at his arms. I was an absolute mess. Trying to scramble away from him blindly. The waves that were lapping at me, were like a bunch of monsters trying to kill me. I kicked him as hard as I could in the nuts and stumbled my way back to the shore. Dry heaving and coughing on my hands and knees. I was shaking so badly I didn't think I was able to stand. 'D-damn you...' I spluttered with a shaking voice. 'D-damn y-you....' I cried a little louder.

'Lux?' Ash came into my vision. His black swim trunks could hardly contain all of him I now noticed and his hands were still cupping his balls where I had hit him hard. White hair soaking wet. He crouched down in front of me. 'What was that? I was just playing... you were scratching at me like I was trying to kill you.' His voice sounded far away, like he was in a tunnel. I waved him off. Trying to gather my bearings, still on my hands and knees, dry heaving and nearly throwing up. 'I don't... feel...' I was blinking, trying for the fog and blackness to go away. I was passing out. I started to shallow breathe. He grabbed my face and made me look at him. 'You were terrified.' He stated, shock on his face. I still couldn't form any sentences. I was vaguely aware of Oak coming from my right and Sebastian yelling some stuff in his English accent. My vision blurred some more and I could only see straight in front of me, the edges blacking out. I could barely catch my breath.

I was lifted from the sand and brought to their beach villa. It was all white and squeaky clean. Probably Oak had the upper hand in this household. They put me on their very expensive couch, legs up, all the while I was protesting loudly but I couldn't hear what they were saying through the ringing in my ears. Oak handed me some lemonade with extra sugar and I gulped it all down with shaking hands. Ash covered me with a big yellow towel. I saw Oak give Ash some serious looks. He was livid at his brother. Ash himself had the decency to look ashamed at least. I think I passed out for a little while after that. When I came too they were all sitting on the couches just staring at me.

'I nearly drowned when I was nine... or I... actually drowned... Maddox had to resuscitate me. I have been afraid of the water ever since.' I stated feebly. Suddenly embarrassed by all of it. I placed the glass down and stood up. They remained silent.

'Well that was fun... I'm going now.' I stood up, wobbled a bit but found my bearings quickly.

Ash followed me out and grabbed my hand. I saw he was bleeding all over his arms from the indents my nails had left.

'I'm sorry okay... I never meant to hurt you.' His voice cracked. This tough guy, tree of a man was actually really sorry. I saw it in his face. He was killing himself over it. I had a feeling he was apologizing for more than just today. His thumb was making circles around my palm. Making me feel all kind of things.

'Don't ever do that to me again, Ash.' I looked up at him intently. I was also not just referring to today. He nodded earnestly, the moment heavy. Dragging me against his body again. 'I won't. I promise.' He hugged me tightly for a few minutes and then kissed my forehead before he released me. 'See you tonight sweetheart.' I nodded and I went on my way. Feeling like we finally solved some things.

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