Oak (1)

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I had just finished training with Dean. Ash, the coward, had cancelled all our classes and transferred me to Dean's care from now on. He couldn't even train me. He could fuck me and leave me in a bathroom though.

Being furious as hell was an understatement. I actually thought he had cared about me. Yet, after all those months I could actually say I liked Oak better.

Him and I had spent a lot of time together in the last weeks. Finding our common interests very appealing. It felt nice to just read books next to him in is cottage, we barely spoke, but it was comfortable. He sometimes read me pieces of things he had written and I showed him some of my favorite earth authors. It was our own private book club and I actually saw the real him. He wasn't the rigid prick I had always thought he was. He was reserved, yes, but sensitive, kind, passionate about his art and literature. He was well-read, articulate and caring when he wants to be. Thursday nights had become our book club nights and I cherished them.

I even had avoided Skylark. She looked so much like Ash in looks and personality that my other best friend was a very bad reminder of that night in the cabin. I just needed some time. So most of my nights of the last week, I had spent with Oak since he had the week off and had asked me to join him.

On Thursday I was at the cottage again. It was nearly nightfall, but there was some remaining sunlight left when I rang his doorbell.

He opened immediately as if he was waiting by the door.

'Surprise!' I singsonged. But he knew I was coming. I had been all week, not wanting to be home. He hadn't asked any questions. He just accepted my company and clearly had nothing better to do anyway. I raised a bag full of groceries in the air. Because as much of a real man this guy was, he lacked in the cooking department. He had never heard of French toast, so I was making some for him. He just didn't know it yet.

'Come on in princess.' He opened his door and gave me one of his genuine broad smiles. He was wearing a dark green plaid button down, and dark blue jeans. His dark curls loosely falling over his forehead. Blue eyes blazing with intent. 'What's in the bag?'

'You'll find out soon.' I teased and walked passed him. Catching a whiff of his fresh snow scent in the wind as I passed him. I was trying to stay distracted and not think about Ash. This was night five and the only thing that worked was company, even if it was the devils' own twin brother.

His dog, Octave, greeted me with a waggling tail and I crouched down to cuddle the old bastard. I glanced towards the couch where we had read the entire week. He had already prepped the cushions, blankets and had even lit some of those candles I liked. I hated reading in harsh light. The fireplace was also cackling away.

'Don't give him too much love.' Oak grunted. 'The old fart gets way too friendly with you these days.' It was true he was often found at my feet while reading. One hand scratching his ears.

My Telvice beeped and my stupid heart always thought it was going to be Ash, apologizing, but it never happened. I glanced at the screen, it was Sebastian. I had not given him much time either, since I felt rather guilty about the incident with Ash. Yet, he had not minded it that much. But I did. I texted him back that I was not meeting him tonight, probably tomorrow. He send me a heart emoji back.

Loved that guy.

'So what have you been up to today?' I glanced up, at the giant that was Oak, and unpacked the groceries in the meantime.

'Well, I have eaten today Lux.' He dryly stated when he saw all the food I had brought.

'No you haven't, you haven't eaten at all until you've tasted this.' I winked and continued unloading.

'Bread and eggs?' he raised his eyebrow defiantly and I swatted his arm away.

'There is a magic ingredient somewhere!' I pulled the plates out of the cupboard and placed my essential on his kitchen island.

'Sure there is.' He was clearly amused but tried his best not to show it to me.

'Now sit your nosy ass down while I make you this, as promised.' Octave made a shrill little noise and I nodded. 'Indeed, boy.'

'The two of you, I can't.' He sighed with a small smile, but grabbed his book and his glasses anyway in defeat and sat himself down on the right side of the giant couch.

I began cooking.

When it was finished I put the thing on a plate and scuffled over to him. I sat down next to his thigh and beamed up at him. Presenting the plate. 'Here you go.'

He grunted. 'It smells good but what is that.... gooey thing.'

'That gooey thing is going to rock your world mister. Now shut it and take a bite.' I nearly swiped the entire plate on his chest while enthusiastically handing him the plate.

He reluctantly took a small bite. It stayed quiet for a second. 'Well fuck me.' He grunted. 'That's damn good.'

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