chapter forty-seven

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Nami's screams of pain echoed throughout the Lost Maria. The tears spilling from the corners of her eyes washed some of the blood slipping down from the wound above her left eyebrow off of her cheeks, as she sobbed.

"Please," she gasped, voice cracking while Bluejam glowered down at her. He smiled at the marks his swords and clubs had left on her skin, as they were all places that Luffy would see, and if Nami were to survive her captivity, when the wounds healed into scars, they would all be reminders of him. Even if she were to escape this, she would never be able to rid herself from the time that she had belonged to him.

He wanted Luffy to look at her and know that what Bluejam had done was permanent. He smiled as another idea popped into his mind.

"Kaito!" he called, sounding ominously cheerful, and the boy appeared, stony-faced and stiff.

"Yes sir?" Bluejam clasped his hands in front of him and turned to his youngest crew-member. "Bring me my favorite toy, please!" Nami sobbed harder as an unnaturally, rather terrifying smile haunted the Captain's features. The boy nodded, leaving.

"Wh-What are you going to do to me?" Bluejam said nothing, only giving her the same, despicable smile. Kaito reappeared, brandishing a long, metal rod, with the letter "B" at the end glowing a menacing red. Nami froze. The Captain began to laugh at the horrified look of recognition on her face.

"Ah! You're a smart girl, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm going to do to you." Nami's tears of fear and sorrow turned into that of a burning, fiery anger. She had escaped Arlong's horrible grasp, and had even carved the old tattoo out from her shoulder, but now she was going to be branded as property once more. He was going to take her freedom, her own body from her, just as Arlong had.

Nami kicked her bound ankles and screamed as hard as she could, twisting her wrists in their cuffs so hard they sliced her skin. She didn't care, and she didn't care about the taste of blood in the back of her throat as she yelled the word "no" over and over, channeling all of her hatred and loathing into every shout.

Bluejam ordered the two goons behind him to restrain her, as he brought the rod closer to her. She screamed as he brought the ungodly hot metal down onto her bare thigh. As it seared her flesh, Nami went limp, losing her willpower to fight him off any longer. She tilted her head to the ceiling, letting the last of her tears drip off of her chin as the sizzling sound of burning flesh filled the air.

She had lost. Her body no longer belonged to her. It had been nice, she thought, owning for her body for the two years she had been free. Even if Luffy saved her at this second, it would be too late. At least with tattoos you could just cut them out of your skin, and then turn the remnants into something beautiful. Bluejam had burned himself into her skin.

As her captors removed their hands and weapons from her, she heard them laughing as they left, and she could feel her thigh stinging where he had marked her. The door shut, and Nami closed her eyes. However, a shuffling in the corner caused her to jolt, and in the darkness she could only just make out the small figure of a teenage boy stumbling towards her. Kaito's face appeared above her and he peered down at her with unreadable eyes.

She couldn't bring herself to spit at him, despite how badly she wanted to. He reached into his pocket and removed something she couldn't quite see.

"Open your mouth," he whispered, crouching beside her. She clenched her jaw and turned away from him, and she heard him sigh before he continued, "It'll help with the sting." Slowly, she turned to him.

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