chapter twenty-three

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       The two boys had been travelling for four days, and had passed through Veera and the island's central city. They now trekked once more along the river, carefully picking their way through the rocky path. Luffy was slowly healing, and was becoming more mobile on his own, being able to support himself for short distances, but still needed to lean on the younger boy at times. Kaito often remained silent, and Luffy wasn't sure if he preferred the silence, or the exuberant chatter of his newly freed friend.

      Time did not feel real to Luffy.

     They had only been travelling for four days, which meant that they had only been free for four days. That meant that Luffy had been in captivity for almost four months.

      Almost four months. It had been almost four months since Luffy had seen his friends. It had been almost four months since he had a decent meal, and almost four months since the last time he was not in agonizing pain. (On an unrelated note, it had also been almost four months since the last time he had showered, too. It was starting to bug him.) He wished his crew would come find him and Kaito so that he didn't have to feel the growing pit of loneliness in his stomach. Sure, he considered Kaito family now, but he also wanted to see his other chosen family. He missed Zoro's constant napping and drinking, Brook's sweet violin music, Robin's reading, Franky's building, Usopp's wild and thrilling stories, Sanji's cooking and swooning over the women of the crew, Chopper's childish playing, and Nami.


    Nami, who had a temper like fire, hot and quick and dangerous if you get too close. Nami, with a mind as sharp, if not sharper, than Zoro's swords, and the reflexes to match. Nami, who smelled like tangerines and burning firewood. Nami, who had so many walls built around her that Luffy had to metaphorically take a sledgehammer to them. Nami, who had been so broken and ruined, but who was slowly healing each day she spent with the Straw Hat crew. Nami, who made his heart burn with such strong feelings of affection and care.


    On the one hand, Luffy hoped she missed him passionately, awaiting his return with bated breath. On the other, he hoped that his absence hadn't affected her too strongly, and that she was still able to keep herself together.

    He was well aware of how capable she was when it came to handling herself. He knew that Nami could take down as many people as she needed too, and that she could survive anything that was thrown at her. However, Luffy also knew that when something bothered her, she kept to herself, and tended to burn those close to her when she was under too much stress and pressure.

    He only hoped she missed him because he missed her. He wanted to be wherever she was, all the time, because it was beneficial to both of them. Luffy was Nami's outlet for frustrations, and in return Nami was Luffy's center of focus, the one who calmed him down when he felt anxiety tugging in his stomach.

    Luffy sighed and stopped on the path. Kaito, whose legs were burning from all the walking the two were doing, sat down on a nearby boulder. The warm sunlight filtered through the trees and dusted the forest floor, and the soft rush of the river mingled with the sweet chirping of the birds. Luffy hobbled over to his friend and sat down beside him, before reaching into the younger boy's bag and removing the map.

    "We're about a day's travel from the base of the mountain," Kaito said, hunching his shoulders as he dug through his bag. Luffy nodded.

    "There aren't any lakes nearby, right?" the dark haired boy asked, peering at the map. Kaito shook his head, before removing a wrapped, oddly-shaped package, dropping his bag next to him, and unwrapping the object in his hands. Luffy immediately recognized it as meat, and his stomach angrily growled. Kaito took a bite of the meat before handing it to Luffy, who in turn also took a bite.

    "No lakes, why?" Kaito said after he had swallowed his food. Luffy shrugged.

    "I need a bath," he replied. Kaito snorted at him.

    "I was wondering when you were going to come to that realization," he replied, digging through his bag once more and retrieving a much smaller, rectangular shaped package. He tossed it to the older boy, who caught it, and smiled. "You might need to use that entire thing to get rid of your many, many layers of grime!" he laughed. Luffy chuckled before stripping his filthy clothes.

       He left them on the bank of the river, and carefully stepped into the running water. The cold river wrapped around his ankles, and then his knees, and he stopped when the water wrapped around his waist. Luffy took a deep breath and dunked his face into the cold river, and then flung his head up and out of the water.

      "So majestic!" Kaito called from the bank. Rolling his eyes, Luffy rubbed the bar of soap under the water until bubbles began to appear.

~  ~  •  ~  ~

      Now clean, Luffy stepped out of the river and stretched himself out on a nearby rock to dry. The sun was warm on Luffy's bare skin, and it distracted him from the throbbing in his side from the wound Kaito had to stitch while the two were in the central city. He closed his eyes and for once felt at peace.

     His moment of peace was interrupted when a bundle of clothes landed on his face. Irritated, he sat up and held the bundle in his arms. He sent a sharp glare at Kaito, who snickered.

        "Get dressed, Princess. I washed them for you." Luffy rolled his eyes once more and shrugged his clothes on, before hopping off of the rock and slipping his sandals on. Kaito helpfully handed the older boy his walking stick, and the two resumed their journey.

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