Chapter 1

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Ever since that day, the day where the termination was announced, Y/N has had enough. He was enraged but he kept it in control and then burst into tears. Some time after, he got up and wiped his tears.

Y/N: That's it. I've had it. I should've carried out this plan long ago but I held back hoping things would change but no, it kept getting worse. I was indeed right after all, an incomplete human spirit causes strife like this.

He then hit the books to study and learn as much as he could in regards to the mythical creatures rumored to wield otherworldly powers. Seconds became minutes, minutes, became hours, hours became days and so on and so forth. Y/N was as studious as ever, eager to bring an end to everything, yet he still could not find the answers he needed.

Y/N: I must find out more about these creatures.

It was then that he began to travel places. He went to multiple different public libraries in hopes of finding the answers he needed.

Time skip

Some time has passed and he finally found the answers. He then paid the librarians in the places he visited and went on his way. He read that to summon the three mythical creatures of time, space and antimatter, he needed the chains. He then set off to find the chains, moving silently without anyone's notice, not like they'd care about him anyway, but they'll soon realize this mistake.

Meanwhile at Hololive HQ

A man was in his office looking out the window. That man was Tanigo, or better known as Yagoo.

Yagoo: I wonder if the directors made the right choice. Perhaps there should've been a better way to handle her situation.

As if right on cue, his assistant A-Chan entered

A-Chan: Yagoo, you might need to listen to this.

Yagoo: Why the panic, A-Chan? Calm down and explain slowly.

A-Chan then turns on the TV

News reporter: There have been sightings of strange lights in several locations around the world. These lights were red in color, as if it is a mark of something disastrous. Please be cautious whenever you're outdoors. We don't know what this means yet and we'll update you all as soon as we can.

A-Chan then turns off the TV

A-Chan: That's what I wanted you to see.

Yagoo: News outlets these days aren't reliable.

A-Chan: True

Yagoo: However, this must be investigated so have Amelia Watson investigate this.

A-Chan: At once.

A bit later

A-Chan then approaches Amelia who was in her office and then Amelia notices a seemingly panicked A-Chan

Amelia: Is something wrong?

A-Chan: I need you to investigate the strange red lights that have appeared.

Amelia: I was gonna do that anyway, but I was going to ask for approval.

A-Chan: What a coincidence, you have the green light to go.

Amelia: Thanks. I will not fail.

It was then that Amelia went off, searching for the last seen locations of these lights.


Y/N was shocked by the lights

Y/N: I should've found a way to contain that, but oh well, no matter. I'm one step closer to my new world.

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