You'll always be my hero {fluff}

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Hope you enjoy

Y/N x Aizawa

*-----* = thinking

"-------" = talking

{----} = author/ third person

(-----) = whisper

-......- = that persons pov

Warning: swearing

{Y/N is a Pro Hero, and a year younger than Aizawa. Outside your on last name/hero name basis but in private you both talk to each other by first name. You have a strong quirk called Nature. Basically your Mother Nature. And your hero name is Ivy}

You'll always be my hero


-I'm out on patrol as usual, Erasurehead and Midnight have joined me as well. There is a dangerous group of villains terrorising and exploiting civilians with healing quirks. We have no idea what the target is of them doing this but I guess that's why we've been sent to try and find out.-

"Ugh, on my day off as well... I was finally going to relax"

-Midnight complains about it just not being fair. To be fair she is always on some sort of patrol and if she's not she's teaching at UA. I miss UA.-

"Look on the bright sid-"

"There is no bright side. These are dangerous villains and they won't be chatting idly away like you both are"

-Okay, I know that Shota missed his morning coffee. But ya don't have to interrupt me.... Ooo a coffee shop!-

"Hey Sho- I-I mean Aizawa, there's a coffee shop over there. Wanna get a quick cup?"

".... I'll be back"

"Hahaha, Aizawa and his coffee I swear. He's always loved it. Ever since UA."

-Everytime Shota leaves, Midnight tells me a story about him at UA. He was also in class 1A, I was in class 1B so I never really saw him as much.-

" Man I really wished I was in class A back then"

-Had I been in class A I'd probably have so many more memories with Shota.-

{Aizawa returns with three cups of coffee, each adjusted to how you all like. After about 20 minutes of more patrol and stories they hear a scream from a nearby ally way. They all rush over only to see...}


-God I can't stand the sight of blood...-

"HEY! The hell you think your doing?!"

-Midnight screams as she proceeds to approach the villain, body and teenager on the floor. Aizawa erased the villains quirk and I head over towards the girl to calm her down. I left the fighting to Midnight and Erasurehead as I'm a recovery hero and they are both action hero's-

"Hey it's going to be okay. W-who was he to you?"

"M-m-my d-d-dad. I-I don't kn-know what-t they wanted w-with him. All he h-has i-is a healing quirk"

-Ah. So he's our target-

"Okay thank you for the information, how about we get out of-"

-as I look up I see many of the villains friends surrounding us. I reach for the ear piece in my ear to call for backup-

(" hello? Any available hero is needed in alleyway 3s in district H. Needed immediately. We're surrounded. Target found")

-As soon as I was done the villains came charging at me. I pushed the girl out the way I screamed at her to find a safe place to hide until she found an opening to escape from-

"Well well well... this'll be fun... I've waited a long time... Ivy, Erasurehead."

-The villain was targeting us?-

"Oh shit... not you. Come on anyone but you. I'm actually sick of seeing you!"

-Shigaraki shows up out of Kurogiris portal and I was just done. I'm sick of seeing him everywhere-


-I hear Shota call out to me before I receive a blow to the head. Thankfully with the way my quirk works there is a special healing plant that heals my wounds 30 times faster than normal cuts so I was fine. I get blown out of the alleyway and thrown out on the main street. As I was bracing for impact I shut my eyes tight when I never came... I look up to see...-

"Feathers?... Hawks?"

" At the ready Ma'am"

-Hawks looks at me with his cheeky grin as he recollects his feathers. I stand up, reverting back to battle position-

"Tch, you'll have to do better than that you idiot!"

-I rush back into the battlefield, letting Hawks take my position as I try my best to evacuate the area. I manage to find the girl from earlier and bring her to safety as well.-

{The fight is going back and forth between the hero's and villains. One minute one side is winning and then the next they aren't. Endeavour and Deatharms arrive at the scene, trying to stop the overwhelming amount of villains flooding through Kurogiri. All was okay-ish for a fight just when...}

Aizawa POV:

-Ack, these villains are getting stronger. I'm getting not paid enough for this shit. Wait... Fuck!-


-I scream towards her but I was too late. She received a bad blow that I don't think her quirk will help with. I was so angry that I don't think anyone in there right mind would come near me-

{Eventually the hero's manage to bring the fight to a close. Y/N got up but was struggling a lot. Shigaraki and Kurogiri managed to escape but they got most of their accomplices}

-I run over to Y/N once things had calmed down-

" hey... you okay?"

"In all honesty... I think I'm gonna pass out. Hurts like hell heh..."

-She slowly closes her eyes as I pick her up and rush to the nearest hospital.-

"Someone help!!"

-She eventually gets seen to and both our wounds get treated. She had pretty bad internal bleeding but I made it just in time the doctor says. She was unconscious for a good number of hours but I made sure I stayed with her.-


-I slowly open my eyes, getting the feeling that something was off. Ah... I was in a hospital bed, that's what was off. I look at my hand which felt strangely heavy to see my dear Shota asleep on it-


-he slowly opens his eyes and is in tears when he sees I'm awake-

"Y/N?! Thank god, I was so worried! I'm so sorry! I promised I'd protect you but now look. You could have died had I not come sooner. I'm a horrible-"

"Shota Aizawa don't you dare say anything negative about yourself! What happened happened due to the villains outmanoeuvring us. Not much we could do. What matters is that your safe."

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you kitty"

"Stupid. You'll always be my hero. No matter what"

Not going to lie this was hard for me to write. I just don't see Aizawa as a lover, I see him as my sensei. So apologies if it's crap 💩

I just don't simp for him unlike some *Cough* Ninja21purple *Cough*
Lol 😂

Thank you again for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Have you drank water today?

That's all
Byeeeeeeeeee xx

~Author-Chan xx

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