Hanahaki disease {Angst}

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Hello, this is my first angst so apologies if it's bad

Y/N x Bakugou

Kacchaco is in this. Plz don't hate me for it. It's just for the plot. Also. I hate that ship. Sorry for anyone who does 🥲


-it was just before curfew when Ochaco called me into the kitchen, she said she wanted to tell me something... she seemed pretty excited too-


"Hey Ochaco, what's up? What did you want to tell me?"

"...I-I have a crush on Bakugou a-and I wanted your help to confess to him"

-I felt my heart drop and crack to millions of pieces... she also liked him?? But... she's my best friend and she's already done so much for me... I guess this is the least I can do...-

"W-wow, never thought it would be Bakugou, but of course. I'll help you confess"

"You will?! Oh, I knew you would!! Thank you so much!"

-She runs up and squeezed the life outta me-

"H-hey Ochaco, I'm getting pretty tired and it's near curfew. Iida would kill us if he knew we weren't in our dorm rooms yet"

"True, we should head to bed... thank you again. So much!"

"Anything for you..."

-I put on a fake smile, not daring to break it until I was in my dorm room. I shut the door, locked it and slid my back all the way down to the ground. I curled up in a ball and let my emotions flood out-

"Why?!! Why did it have to be him!!"

-massive tears run down my face as I sit there for hours crying. Before I knew it, it was about 4:00 am. I stand up and wearily make my way to bed. I woke up at 7:30 am as usual and got ready-

"Fuck... I feel like shit. I look like shit"

-I make a small laugh at my pathetic self-

"Welp time to wish I never liked Bakugou..."

-I make my way out the dorm room and into the common area. Everyone was there and Ochaco was very close to Bakugou.-

{Over time Y/N started to feel... sick. Very sick. She would only feel it once she felt her heart break because of Ochaco and Bakugou}

-it's been two weeks and I can see that Bakugou is starting to take a liking to Ochaco. I start to feel nauseous and run to the bathroom... it was going to come again...-

Ochaco POV:

- I look behind me to no longer see Y/N there but running towards the toilets. I'm starting to get very worried now. She's been going and going very often and would spend hours upon hours in there-

"H-hey I'm going to go check on Y/N"


-I walk toward the bathroom when I suddenly hear... vomiting. She's being sick? I pick up the pace and literally barge down the door so see where she was...-

"O-oh my god..."

-I look at Y/N as she coughs up blood and... petals? No, some were petals and some where whole flowers! What the hell?!-

"Y/N... what the hell is this?!"


-Shit, I didn't think she would follow me...-

"Sorry... you shouldn't have seen this. Not yet anyway. Let me clean up and I'll tell you after"

- I clean the blood and flowers away and begin to tell her what's going on.-

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