> Chapter 33 <

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Harry: "Where you at, you dumb duck?" *barges in the bedroom* "Oh I'm really sorry, Alexis. I didn't mean to barge in like that. I was just searching for Rosie, have you seen her anywhere?"

Alexis: "Harry, calm down. She's gone to run some errands. Is there anything I could help you with?"

Harry: "Uhh, yeah if you don't mind?" *scratches his nape*

Alexis: "Come on in, Harry. Have a sit and tell me what you need my help with"

Harry: "I have a friend in university who needs a woman to fill this google form up. It's regarding a research he was assigned to do in the Biology course. I would always ask Rosie but since she isn't around, it would be great if you help me with it because he needs it as soon as possible"

Alexis: "Oh it's not a huge deal, Harry. I'll complete it in no time"

Harry: "Thanks, Alexis. I appreciate it a lot"

Harry watched as Alexis tapped away in his laptop, concentrating on the questions being asked. It would be a lie if they both didn't feel awkward because it is literally the first ever time they both held a proper conversation despite the fact that they have met a couple of times in the living room.

Alexis: "... and there you go" *closes the laptop and passes it to Harry*

Harry: "That was fast and thank you loads, A"

Alexis: "That's a cute nickname" *chuckles*

Harry: "It indeed is. How have you been, anyways? Heard what had happened"

Alexis: "About that... I would say I'm coping up just alright. I don't know what I would've done without Rosie and Kylie"

Harry: "Don't worry, A. Things happen for a reason and in this case it's just making you stronger than you already are"

Alexis: " That's consoling. Thank you, Harry"

After a long pause in their conversation along with each other's steady breath almost strongly audible in the quiet room, Harry decided to speak up.

Harry: "You must miss him eh?"

Alexis: "Sorry what?"

Harry: "You must miss JJ, right Alexis?"

Alexis: "I-"

Harry: "I don't know about you but that guy misses you more than ever, A. He's never been like this. He has never missed his training, not even once. He has never missed a place, searching for you. He wouldn't be pleased if I say, you're technically hiding in our apartment" *chuckles*

Alexis: "Do you think I don't miss him, Harry? He showed me care and genuine love when none of them did. He's one I can lose myself for. But he knows how much loyalty means to me. He hid so many secrets and lied in so many ways, to my face"

Harry: "I get it, A. I've been quiet and didn't expose your whereabouts to him just because Rosie told me not to do so. She told me to give you both some time. But come on, JJ is my man. He deserves happiness and nothing more, Alexis. He might've done all this to protect you in whatever ways he can. I'm just asking you to make up your mind as soon as possible. He misses you, like a hell lot.

Alexis' eyes traced Harry's movements as he walked towards the door with a genuine smile plastered on his face.

Harry: "Hope I've cleared your thoughts, Alexis. It was great to have a nice conversation with you. And also thanks for helping me"

He shut the door leaving the brunette, in tangled thoughts trying to figure out what the solution has to be. Not long after, another knock was heard.

Alexis: "Come in"

Harry: "Hey, A. You have a visitor, I suppose?"

Alexis: "What, no. I did not invite anyone over"

?: "Is it a crime if I invited myself, Alexis?"

Alexis: "Shawn?! What are you doing here?"

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