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Yelena- why are you here so early?
Y/n- I got expelled.
Kate- in so sorry, y/n.
Kate hugs me.
Y/n- to be honest, I was looking for an escape.
I let out a forced chuckle then I walk into my room. As soon as I do a meeting is called. I walk go the meeting room and I sit next to Wanda. Natasha drives up with Peter.
Peter- Mr stark soon they'll get suspicious.
Tony- this is about y/n, she is getting hunted.
Y/n- what?
Tony- someone is hunting you so we are putting you in a safe house immediately.
Wanda- well, I can stay with her I wouldn't mind.
Bruce- we know you wouldn't but we need you here.
Clint- Maria is coming and she'll stay with you.
I saw Wanda's body go tense. I slightly rub her back so no one notices. I had to assure her it'll be fine.
Natasha- how long will she be gone?
Bruce- at least five months.
Tony- every two weeks you can facetime someone.
Wanda- only every two weeks?
Kate- and only one person?
Clint- we know it seems crazy but these people are dangerous.
Tony- you will leave tonight at midnight so not many cars will see you.
I slightly nod and I walk to my room to start packing.
Wanda- this is going to he awful.
Y/n- I know, that long without you.
Wanda- I know and now vision will be coming here again.
Y/n- why's that so bad?
Wanda- we used to be a thing...
Y/n- oh, that does seem bad.
Wanda helps me pack and it's now midnight. I walk to the compound entrance and Maria is there. We walked out and walked to the car. Wanda walked out with us. She looked even more worried after she saw how great we get on.

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