Chapter 2

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"Hey Achilles!" I turn to see Jean sitting on his desk, plastering the worlds biggest smile ever on that small pale face of his. 

"Ya man, what 'you need?" I look up, trying to muster at least some interest in what he is about to say any minute now.

"Ya man, that boy that you splashed water on the other day, he's in our class look," he says pointing over to the far side of the classroom, closest to the door leading to the hallway. I take one good glimpse at him and my face turns completely pale and flushed.

"hey, y'okay man?"

"Y'ya. I'm just gonna get something to drink. Be right back." I stumble out of my chair, forgetting how to walk for a moment. Breath Achilles. I slowly walk out the room. 

I remember now. That boy. My dad. 

I muster up enough focus to get a coke from the vending machine and begin to chug it all down without a second to waste. I decide to lean partially on the wall between the men's bathroom and the vending machine. That boy. My dad. It all makes sense. Those eyes. Damn it. And here I thought I wouldn't be reminded of that geezer of a father. Something about those boys eyes remind me so much of him. It's humiliating. It's frustrating. I just want to cru-

"damn..." I look down and realize that my coke crushed in my hands and began to spill down my white shirt and my new jeans. 

I walk back into the classroom, avoiding all eye contact with this boy I seem to already hate, despite even knowing him. 


"Hey, watch where you're going!" I look down, realizing that I was so mustered in my own thoughts that I didn't realize to watch where I was going. I look down to see a girl with street black hair and green eyes the size of a baseball staring as it seems right into my soul. Suddenly, realizing who she was talking to, her expression changes. 

"Oh, Achilles! How are ya'. Sorry about that. I swear I be clumsy all the time. Gotta work on that." she suddenly plasters this big, yet fake smile on her face as if she is trying to impress me or something. Next to her sits a girl with long blonde hair, brown eyes, and a white crop top with jeans. I briefly look at her and she looks too. What is it about me that girls seem to fawn over so much. Jeez. Whatever. 

I muster up a fake, yet tired smile and walk back towards my seat. 

"Tonight, we're gonna celebrate the first day at Rickey's party. You in?" Jean speaks. 

"Ya, sure." I okay.

"Perf. After baseball practice, meet me and the guys by the old train station and there we'll head to the party." He gets off his desk and the school bell rings, letting out school for the day. 



I look up to see Achilles, one of the hottest guys in our school. At least, that's what've heard. My friend, Claire, talking to him seems to be well aware of his looks and everyday has been trying to snatch him first before any girl can. 

I stare into his snow, blue eyes. He looks for a brief second into mine and then quickly looks away. 

So relaxed, I think. Although, somethings off. He seems....




"Hey-hiccup. Achilles, why don't you dance with me-hiccup." I look down to suddenly see Claire, staring up at me with her left hand on my stomach and her right grabbing my arm, pulling me to the area closest to the booming music. 

I stare down in frustration trying my best to undo her grip without hurting her.

"Hey Claire! Ahh i'm so sorry about this. She has been like this aaaall night, so frustrating." I snap my eyes to where the voice is coming from and see that it is that girl I saw from class; the blonde one. I fix a smile and she grabs Claire away from me. 

"But, Chloe..." Claire begins to say, but then suddenly runs upstairs to throw up in the bathroom. 

So, Chloe is her name...


I look down to see a text from my father. 

Don't be out too late. We need to chat.

I frown. Who does he think he is, holding the right to boss me around like that when he can't even care to be a real father to me anytime of the day. Not only that, but his abusive tendencies have been getting worse this week. I don't know if it is because my birthday is coming up and he felt that disgusted that I was still alive and still living inside his precious home. 

Fuck him and his delusions... One day, I'll be out of this all. I swear to god.


Him again? I swear, I am making a fool out of myself in front of this guy... 

"Claire!" I yell in disgust, as her vomit gets a bit on my newly bought crop top. 

That man. Achilles. For some reason. I want...

I want to get to know him...



I find an empty wall too lean on outside as I stare at the moon with my two friends, Jean and Alex, beside me. 

"Any plans for when we leave this town?" I ask, still staring up into the sky as the stars gleam down on my tired eyes.

"Community college all the way man." Jean responds, somehow still with so much smile in his eyes.

"Probably Ohio State. Got a scholarship opportunity there," answers Alex.

"Oh ya, I forgot that you and Achilles were like nerds," Jean laughed.

"hmm" I look down to see that my cup was now empty. Did I really drink all of that?

I look back up, thinking about what my future entails. Finally. A real smile appears on my face, not seeming to go away.

"Shit." Jean says with no smile on his face anymore. Rather, it was an expression I have never seen before on someone like him. He looks up at me. He shows me his phone, and there it is.

My face turns white.

My hands tremble and there goes the smile I was finally able to muster for once in my many years...

"I'm so sorry Achilles," Alex responds. "Your parents... they're..."


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