"Mianite has joined the relm of mianite"

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Toms P.O.V
I woke up with sparklez huddled into my chest. I want to tell him I like him today. I peeled sparklez of my chest and got up to make breakfast.

Once I got downstairs my communicator started going off.
"Tucker is calling"
Tom: Tucker is early what do you want?
Tucker: look at you messages now!
I looked at my messages, oh no how could I not notice. "MIANITE has joined the realm of Mianite" Uh oh nonononono.
Tom: Fuck no
Tucker: him and I have been talking and he has planned to kill sparklez!
Tom: what! Hell no Mianite can back the fuck off.
Tucker: I have to go but protect sparklez I'll do my best to keep Mianite away.
Tom: thank you man
-end call-
Tucker's P.O.V
"Tucker, I herd your conversation. Trying to warn them! How dare you. This will have consequences, not only you but Tom as well" He said quite angry and with a devilish smirk .

Oh no. "Sonja"! I yelled and ran upstairs. No! She was just here! MIANITE TOOK HER!


Toms P.O.V
Once I finished getting my armor on I herd a scream from upstairs and a loud crash. "JORDAN"! I ran upstairs.

The sheets were torn off the bed and the window was broken. Noooo!


I was teleported into the wizards arena and saw something horrific Jordan and Sonja were suspended in the air by their wrists. " Mianite you bitch come out and fight me" I said walking around.

Tucker teleported next to me, he saw Sonja and his pace turned a pale sheet of white "Sonja"... he said.

"Tucker i told you there would be consequences. Tsk Tsk Tsk" he said. "Mianite , WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO THEM THEY LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE BEEN BEATEN" i yelled in anger.

"See the thing is when i get betrayed everyone has to pay and that would be your loved ones" mianite stated. "Tell me how we can make this situation better" please i said feeling helpless.

"My lord please leave everyone else alone i only did something" tucker pleaded on the verge of tears.

"hmmmmmmm ok. You both will be tested, and if you fail you loved one will die" and as he said that a pit of lava opened up below sonja and jordan.

"NOOOOOOOOO" tucker and i screamed simultaniously. "Hush now they wont die just yet. First your challange, a test of your love if you get a 70% or lower your mate will die" he smirked.

The next thing i know there was a paper and pencil in front of me and we started. Im fucked i know nothing of sparklez....

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