I Shut you out, sorry

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Sparklez hasn't talked to anyone in 2 weeks, he has been in the end for that time. Tom is scared and worried beyond belief, tucker is doing his best to comfort tom. Sonja as well as Dianite and Martha have been trying to get sparklez back home...

But nothing is working, he is drinking and wants to go back to, old habits. But that is the one thing he swore not to do, no one is sure how much longer he can hold up.

Sparklez POV

"Hey my lady its me again, im not doing so well. You can probably tell though, i haven't left the end since you died. I hope you like the grave sight i built , I though the purple suited you. But, i must go now. I miss you m'lady."

Another day, another talk with M'lady she just wont talk. I got rid of my communicator, so i didn't have to feel bad for ignoring them, the people who love me most.

 glitter lap you need to go see tom, he is breaking down

But dianite, he cant see me like this and i cant face him. After ignoring him he probably hates me.

Boyo listen to me, dont continue this any longer. You need human contact, i know you are getting the itch again.

But dianite...

Nope no buts i've had enough of trying to convince you everyday, so i will do it my way

I felt my self being teleported, oh nonnononononno, i cant face everyone like this. I heard sobbing, so i turned around to see tom... He was crying into tuckers shoulder.

Tucker turned his head towards me, "Tom look, there is someone you might want to see" tucker said turning tom towards me. He looked up with bright eyes, and slowly stood up. "C-can i h-hug you?" he asked sorrowly. I slowly nodded.

He stumbled over to me and wrapped his arms around me, i melted into his touch, i did need this. "T-tom im so sorry for shutting you out i-i" i sobbed. "I understood but you could've at least told me you were ok, why did you shut everyone out" he cried.

"I-i just thought none of y-you wanted to see me like this" I said hiding my face. He lifted my chin up "Sparklez i don't care what you look like, I love you and will be here for you when you need me" he said giving me a kiss, i kissed back of course.

I didn't realize how much i needed his touch, this is how i get better.

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