Kaigaku POV

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I was walked into Daki and Gyutaro screaming at each other in their stupid little fights about stupid little things.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Gyutaro turned and said "Fucks sake. What do you need?"

Rude much.

"Well excuse me you grumpy bitch. I was just going to Koku's room before I heard your loud asses screaming at each other like 2 year olds."

That shut him up.

"Ok then. Be on your way." Gyutaro dictates.

"Hell no. What were the 2 year old siblings fighting over?"

Gyutaro glared at Daki as she grinned. "Oh nothing important" she said while chuckling to herself. They were definitely hiding something. I don't care.

"Ok well I'm gonna listen to King Gyutaro and be on my way now." I tell the stupid siblings.

"Bye byeee~" Daki calls in a singsong way.

What the hell?

Gyutaro seemed to be acting like a bitch. Probably the fact that he only stays up and feasts on human meat to keep him healthy all the time. He is very nice and kind of attractive though. His hair is a very nice black faded to green. His torso is extremely skinny though. His eyes are orange with white and his "Uppermoon 6" engraving on it. After Muzan Sama killed off most of the Lower Moons, he made me Uppermoon 7. Uppermoon 7 was basically Lowermoon 1 but more powerful than how a Lowermoon should be, so he just made up an Uppermoon 7. Enough about that..

Gyutaro also has blue pants. His eyes look a bit tilted. Like he rotated them slightly. To me, he has beauty in a unique way. Others would say ugly but I say pretty.

Ok I'm gonna stop talking about how hot I think Gyutaro is-


So I was on my way to Kokushibos [my adopted father] room, then Gyutaro ran up to me from behind. "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME YOU LITTLE ASS!" I screeched.

"Sorry. Do you want to meet me at my room for some dinner?" He asks in his shy tone.


-That night-

I walked to Gyutaros room. It was close to mine so I had no trouble getting there. I knocked on his door and he opened it rapidly. "Oh it's you. Come in."

He seemed angry today, I wonder what irritated him so much. Maybe it was the thing that he hid from me earlier when he was fighting with Daki. "Are you mad?" I ask him. He evades my question. "Male or female meat?"

"Are you mad?" I ask again.

"No. Now, Male or Female meat?"

"Um whatever you prefer." I just say because I didn't know which one because they both tasted fine.

Something was DEFINITELY wrong. He seemed so shy all night and when I asked he just said everything was fine. Was he mad at me?

Eventually I get exasperated. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"Nothing Kai-"

"Shut up. I know your lying." I say, clearly expressing that I'm annoyed.

"Kai it's nothing import-"


Gyutaro looked kind of shocked after I got that out of my chest.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. I swear"

"Gyutaro you better. I will remind you all day."

I was going to find out what bothered him so much.

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