ch. 17

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The hours quickly vanished and so did the coffee. By now, Maggie had lost count on how many cups of coffee she had. She then recalled she had skipped breakfast and lunch. Just drinking coffee and her stomach burned from having no food. Reid picked up on Maggie's stomach's cry for food and felt the emptiness of his own.

"Should we order something to eat?" Reid suggested upon hearing Maggie's stomach. "The others should be here in about half an hour which gives us enough time to get something before they arrive. We could order for them too."

"Yeah, sounds good to me," Maggie turned to the twins as had started to refer to them as. "Are there any good places around here to get something to eat?"

"There's a place a few blocks down that's pretty good. Serves hamburgers, sausages, fish, and chips among other things," Officer Hale answered.

Maggie looked at Reid with questioning eyes.

"Works for me," he told her.

"Alright, well I need a break so I don't mind getting the food. How about you?" she asked Reid. "Do you want to join me or do you want to stay here and keep working on the profile?"

"If you don't mind, I would like to finish reading these reports about the crime scenes."

"No problem," she assured him.

"I think my guys and myself also require some food," Officer Bunch told Maggie.

"Well, then why don't we carpool. It's easier since I don't the way," Maggie said. Officer Bunch nodded in agreement.

"I would like a hamburger and fries," Officer Hale called out.

"The same for me," said Officer Anderson seconds later.

Maggie's theory about the officers being twins in some alternative universe was starting to look more and more credible.

"How about you Genuis?" Maggie asked.

"I think I'll take the fish and chips," he said. "Oh, and could you get me a milkshake if they have any"

The way his eyes glistened with excitement reminded Maggie of a child on Christmas Eve, waiting for Santa to arrive with the presents. This brought a smile to her otherwise rather worn face. "Sure. Which flavor?"



The worker at the diner had politely ignored Maggie's banged u face and quickly made their orders. When Maggie and Officer Bunch arrived back at the station, the rest of the team were seated at the table with the officers. Reid was still engrossed in his reports of the crime scenes and Rossi and Hotch could be seen involved in a discussion. Morgan, JJ, Emily, and Camilla were currently engaged in the map the killer had sent the station along with the twins.

"I bring nutrition," Maggie said as she walked into the conference room, holding the bag.

"You're a lifesaver!" JJ exclaimed and rose from her chair to help Maggie.

Together, they handed a take-away box to each profiler and then sat down with their own. The one most excited about the food was Reid, hence the milkshake Maggie got him.

After a few minutes of silence and rapid trips with forks from box to mouth, Hotch spoke up. "This may disturb the mean but to save this woman, I think it is important to discuss what information we have gotten these hours spent apart."

Morgan leaned back in his chair and put the box on the table. "The coroner told us that from the tissue left on the bodies, he had concluded that the victims were still alive when the bombs went off," he paused to take a sip of water. "The most intact body, was Nick Ice, showed no sign of bruising or injuries that would indicate a struggle. Also, traces of chloroform could be found in his system, as well as the other bodies where you could still attract tissue to test. Those facts left, Camilla, Hotch, and I do think that the unsub attacks his victims when they're least expecting it and that he uses chloroform to subdue them. And by that, we assume our killer is physically fit enough to carry an unconscious body of at least 2oo pounds, the weight of our second victim Tom Scully."

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