~Wicked Witch : Chapter 1~

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"Welp, The old man want to live again, and we didn't kill him, so, we failed, thanks to those freaking cherubs, he's probably in Heaven now, so, it's a shame, all our client wanted was eternal revenge on his business partner, and now, the both are forever separated, and now, we gotta face the fire of screw up."

"Well, sir, When are you gonna tell the client about this?"

"Oh I texted him! we're in good hands."

The text shows of his conversation with Loopty Goopty, he send him a text saying "Sorry" With emojis, Moxxie facepalms and Millie bit her lip.

Then something unexpected appeared out of nowhere, it was a metal plank, and it almost hit Moxxie, luckily, he dodges away from the crash of an escalator, then Loopty appeared from above.


He choruses.

"Oh shoot, Loofa! hey! We can explain, you see!-"

But before he could say anything further, another on appeared and it crushed Moxxie, but he didn't die, he's fine, On the escalator was another figure that comes down, an individual with a grin full of piano keys, and a ball for a body, All of them were shocked to see this familiar face.

"Lyle Lipton!?"

Everyone shouted, Lyle waves at them, still keeping the smile on him.

"W-wait, I don't understand, I thought the cherubs finally took you up to Heaven?"

Millie questioned, but Lyle scoffed from that.

"Ha! Heaven? you don't make millions in technical advances in robotic by not experimenting on the poor!"

He laughs, Loopty embraces him, enjoyed.

"OH! You no good heartless son of the gun! Thank you all so much for reuniting me with my best friend!"

"Yes, but the only question now is, what do two genius robot inventors do now that we're in Hell?"

He questions to both himself, and everyone else, but then suddenly, a burst from the ceiling came falling down to the floor, startling everyone of the office.

"Did something say inventors!"

An Imp with a black tophat, and white clothing speaks as he enthusiastically said, brushing off the dust from his vest.

"Name's Wally Wackford! And I am looking for creative new people to exploit-"

He suddenly cuts off the line, and changes it as he twirls his mustache.

"I-I Mean, "Employ."

Blitzo growls in frustation.

"Everyone! Stop damaging all my walls! Moxxie's gonna have to fix all of them!"

He said as Moxxie chokes up while being squeeze under the plank in little agony.

"Oh hush up Moxxie, if you go kissing my boot, you'll go even further."

Wally laughs.

"Hehe! Well, I guess you can say, you say, you have a "hole-y" operation here, Blitzo!"

Wally laughs more, slapping his knee, and dropping down to the floor, rocking back and forth, Blitzo looks down at the foolish business Imp with annoyance.

"..Get out."

Wally still laughs in return.

"Oh! Oops! I said "O"

He snickered, Blitz growls a little.

"NO! I'm serious, GET THE HELL OUT!"

This was a few months ago, after the Imps had to encounter this mission, taking care of the Cherub, and causing them to be banished from Heaven, and gotten their task completed once again, but this new target they'll be facing, has an interesting short story. it's been a few months, in the Human world, it was snowing, winter was already around the corner, the month was mid September, one month before Halloween, it opens up to a small neighborhood, full of kindhearted people, who are enjoying the snowy day, and getting ready for it, some were doing some winter related stuff, while others go along decorating for the fall.

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