~Wicked Witch : Chapter 3~

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It's been a few minutes, until finally the Imps arrived at the right destination to where Elizabeth's home was that, The Imps sneak over to the side of the house, underneath the shadows where no one could see. Blitzo peeks over to see Elizabeth and Rotty walk up to the steps and to the front door, as he watched, he also sneaks glimpse of Elizabeth, as she was carrying her bag full of candy, waits patiently for Rotty to unlock the door for her. he sees the cosplaying witch in that off intensity he had before, it still wasn't clear of what's he's really feeling inside, his chest slowly pumped, and even gave himself some small goosebumps, while even just looking at her, he resists being distracted as he heard Rotty opening the door, Elizabeth walks inside, but she orders Rotty to go put the sack in the yard, he did as heard when he leaves to go put the sack at the backyard. Blitz sees him coming, and turns to Millie and Moxxie.

"Crap! Hide!"  

He and the others quickly got to hide whatever they could as Rotty walks over to the fence, and heads over to where the backyard was, they all waited until the coast was clear for them. Once Blitz hears Rotty opens the fence door and closes it, hearing his footstep slowly fading away to another direction.

"Alright, all good for now."

Blitz slowly jumps down from the tree, Moxxie and Millie pop out from the bushes, they all gathered out to each other.

"Alright, so what's the plan now sir?"

Moxxie asked, crossing his arms.

"It won't be easier than what I had intended It'll be, but I'll positive we can pull it off, Moxxie, Millie go to that chick's house and take that boy down while I follow her inside, that way, we're split 50/50 for this."

Moxxie and Millie nodded and went to follow Rotty outside, While Blitz follows Elizabeth as he climbs up to the house, looking for a way inside. Moxxie and Millie followed Rotty back to Elizabeth's backyard, they quietly sneaked as Rotty was setting up the cart, attacking it to Elizabeth's bike, he struggles his way to put the sack onto the cart, to his explanations of it breaking, it thankfully didn't.

"Oh..Well Elizabeth was right all along, I'm surprised, hehe."

He laughs a little, Moxxie and Millie sneak over to the shed, perked their heads over to the boy. But then, Rotty runs back inside the house, and he didn't even close the door shut, this was a chance for the two of them to get inside. they make their way to the back door, and stealth their way inside the house, closing the door.

Blitz climbs to one of the window, he gently opens the window to whatever room he'll get inside, squeezing his way in, and landing onto the room. Blitz jumps back up to looks around what room he's in, he was faced inside the bedroom, it was dark inside, but Blitz could make out some details he sees, there was purple wallpaper with lighter stripes, with many satanic posters and products inside, even books were lying around the furniture and the floor, stuffed toys, a laptop, and even a oil diffuser. It was already on, so the room smelled like lavender, with a hit of cinnamon, Blitz slowly wanders around the room.

"Well that girl sure must be a huge fan of all this stuff, is she?"  

He sees a bunch of things scattered around the floor, loads of books, most were either magic novels or just demonic stories. He sees some photo albums on the walls where Elizabeth's laptop and desk were, most were of her and her friend Rotty. he still looks around until he spots something, a small booklet on the desk, it was a diary, of course, it was Elizabeth's diary, even though he's more focused on trying to kill his prey, but being a little mischief he is, curious to know what this diary has in store, he snickered.

"Heh, maybe I'll have some fun right here, I do wonder what this girl has here, probably about some silly secrets about girl drama or something dumb."

He picks up the book to read, flipping through the page, he begins to read the first one he spots.

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