~Wicked Witch : Chapter 4~

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Meanwhile, dusk was already getting darker, somewhere elsewhere, int he empty streets, to the nearby forest, Elizabeth still rides her bike through the rocky trail, causing the cart to kinda shake a little from the hard little rocks underneath. Blitz was still hiding inside the sack, he kinda sweats, given to how hot it was inside, but he didn't complained or move a muscle. It didn't take long until Elizabeth stops the ride, she arrives at her stop, It was a small cottage, much like a smaller house, she looks around as she gets off the bike, starts to hum a little tune, heading over to pick up the sack, heading inside through the white door. Blitz felt her hands holding him, he could hear her boots tap onto the wooden floor, Elizabeth simply puts the sack down to the floor, hearing her leave to another direction. Blitz got to see where she was heading through the fabric, he sees she was heading to the living room.

Seeing her distraction gives him the chance to quietly sneak out of the bloody sack, crawling out of it, finally getting back some fresh air, he ducks himself down, spying of Elizabeth, as she sits down on the carpet, pours the candy out, and then gets out razors from her pocket, checking on her book, while flipping through the pages, and brings out her spare pencil to write, Blitz sneaks up to her, with a bat he brought along with him this whole time, tip toeing to the witch.

"Now.. since Rotty is getting the supplies, time to gather up the candy into a specific order and write down the note for this ritual, I guess I have to wait for him to return with the bigger deal."

She said to herself as she finished setting up, she smiles as she stares up at the sky, her eyes sparkled by the sight of the night sky.

"Finally, my dream will come true, and people will stop making fun of me, once the demons roam back onto the earth's ground, breaking the mythological tale as last, just, a few more moments before the clouds clear for the moon to shine, and it's action!"

She still talks to herself, beam filled her face as she squeals in excitement, Blitz goes behind her, and aims the bat at her head, but what Blitz didn't realized was that the floor was sturdy wood, which he accidentally stepped onto one that made a loud creak. Elizabeth paused as she heard the noise, alerted, she turned around.

"HUH?! Who are you?!"

She gets up quickly, and has something on her hand, a kitchen knife she stole from home, just to be prepared for a fight, Blitz looked at the shocked and alarmed witch cosplayer, and backed up a bit, still with his bat in place on his hand.

"Ah crap! Oh whatever, it's gonna happen, uh, hey lady, sorry to intrude your "private" session, but I've come from Hell, and here to complete my job, and the job is that I'm going to kill you, so hopefully you can take this lightly and everything will be good!"

Elizabeth was surprised, but before she could say anything, Blitz was gonna swing his bat at her head, she dodges and kicks him to the floor, causing it to break, Blitz kinda fell through the plates since the wood wasn't strong enough, she laughs.

"No match for me eh?"

She said with a playful smirk, Blitz groans and slowly gets up, he spits a little blood off his mouth.

"No, But to you sweetheart, I'm just getting started."

He gets up and charges after her again, but Elizabeth Pounces on him and they both started roughhousing. The both of them attacked each other, they rolled around, the candy fall to the floor, some small furniture broke after bumping or hitting them, Blitz tried to get her off, but her grip was hard to manage. Soon, both of them crashed through the glass doors, having them outside of the cottage. Elizabeth tackles him more, and they both fell and roll down the long hill, both rolled, and one of them got hurt by a few rocks along the way. Feeling like it could go on forever, they soon crashed to the ground, with a bunch of grass, they landed separately Blitz slowly gets up, covering his wounds. The pain was stinging, and he felt his arm fractured, but he didn't let the pain get to him, as he tries searching for Elizabeth.

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