House Buddy

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I only thought Zhongli and Venti were coming over!? Why'd— I looked over at who else was sitting at the chair, couch thing— whatever you call it! I let out a small sigh of relief seeing as it was only Kazuha and Aether.

"Ah, h-hi." I stammered, goddammit. I was NOT prepared for this, Barbatos why have you betrayed me? Do I need to worship Raiden Shogun instead?

"Why are you guys just standing there? Sit down so I can start the limo." I heard a strangely familiar and harsh voice say.

I slowly turned around to lock eyes with Xiao, HIM TOO!? No, just freak out later when you have privacy. Right now, as Xiao said, you need to sit down.

I nodded and sat at the farthest corner I could from Aether and Kazuha. Aether was at the end of the couch, I was at the other end, Kazuha sat next to Aether and Venti sat next to Kazuha. Zhongli, unfortunately, sat next to me. 

I balled my hands into fists digging them into my knees. My hands were sweaty and clammy, not a pleasant feeling at all. I took in a small shaky breath that was cut short when the limo stopped rather harshly. I nearly jerked out of my seat if it wasn't for Zhongli catching me.

"Thank you." I quickly thanked trying to calm my breathing down, and my racing heart. Zhongli scolded Xiao and then we resumed driving.

I fumbled around to get my phone, quickly typing my password, I glanced at Zhongli to see he was minding his own business and not looking at me. I relaxed a bit my shoulders slumping and I eased myself into the couch. I looked over at Venti, Aether, and Kazuha. 

Venti was talking away with them and Kazuha was on his phone simply nodding. Aether was actively talking to Venti. I flinched when Kazuha suddenly glanced over at me. He gave me a smile and winked before returning to his phone, leaving me flustered.

I quickly focused back on my phone. I lowered the brightness on the phone before clicking on... Wattpad. I scrolled through my library and started reading a book I left off on. 

The book had a decent amount of reads, the author seemed nice, and the book was about Y/N, or rather me, shipped with 5WIRL and DCKZ. So far her predicament was fairly similar to mine. I silently snorted smirking, am I in a corny book too then? If so, hey there viewers, have you liked this book so far?

Haha, what am I kidding? Course not, my life is fairly normal, it's just hitting its peak right now. Of course, I'll need to make up for the good parts and even it out with the bad parts. So I'll just need to enjoy it the most I can, after all, nothing in life is happy forever.

After a few chapters in, and me trying my best to hold an emotionless face, the limo stopped. I looked up and out the window to see a towering mansion. My eyes widened. 

"Mm! Finally back home!" Venti hummed stretching and heading out of the limo. Aether followed shortly after giving me a quick wave, which I returned. 

I tucked my phone away in my pocket and grabbed my suitcase handle, but was met with a bandaged hand. I looked up and met eyes with Kazuha, "Need help?" He asked.

"A-Ah um, sure." I stammered letting him grab the suitcase, he sent me a warm smile that quickly warmed my face back. I gulped following Kazuha out of the limo and Zhongli followed.

Not long after I exited the limo I was embraced in a tight hug. I recognized that blonde hair and flower in their hair, "Lumine?" I asked. "Yep! You should've told me you were moving in!"

"Temporarily." I corrected. Lumine shrugged, "Same thing." She hummed. "C'mon! You can move into my room!" 

Lumine grabbed my hand and the suitcase dragging me inside the pristine modern mansion. I stared and tried looking all around the house. "Lumine, you're gonna slip!" Aether yelled seeing Lumine and me zoom past the living room.

(Discontinued) 5WIRL x F!Reader x DKCZWhere stories live. Discover now