No Humanity Elena

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Heidi's POV

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Heidi's POV

It's time to meet Katherine at the gazebo. "Go play on the playground with Coco" Elijah tells me.

"But, I want to meet her" I say pouting as Coco sits beside me.

"I know, but she and I have business to discuss first" he tells me. "It won't take long" he assures me. I nod reluctantly and head for the playground. I start to play until he is out of sight. Before running to the gazebo I jump into a tree with Coco in my arms and watch as Elijah kiss Katherine and roll my eyes. So that's the business he meant, barf. "I missed you" he tells her.

"And I've missed you" she tells him. I frown, she sounds exactly like Elena. But something was off about her.

"This is an interesting little town you've chosen to settle down in. So do you have it with you?" Elijah asks her. I roll my eyes, how dumb can he be? Not to realize that that isn't Katherine.

"Do I have what?" she asks me confused.

"The cure" he states. Elijah notices Elena's hesitance, and while she talks he sees the daylight ring on her hand. According to what he told me about Katherine, she has a daylight bracelet. Took him long enough to realize it wasn't Katherine.

"It's in a safe place. Why don't I go and get it and I'll bring it back?" she suggests. She goes to leave, but Elijah grabs her hand as I join them with Coco in my arms.

"Hello Elena" I say smiling.

"Where's Katherine, Elena?" Elijah asks her. She doesn't answer. We go to a more seclude spot. "I thought I told you to stay on the playground" he tells me.

"Why? So that you could make out with Katherine?" I ask him disgusted. "You said she was a business partner not your girlfriend. Besides how could you not tell that it was Elena?" I ask him. "I knew it was her by her voice" I state.

He doesn't answer and looks at Elena as his phone rings. He picks it up. "Katerina?" he says and I eavesdrop.

"Hello Elijah" Stefan says.

"Where is Katherine?" Elijah asks. I frown in confusion. How come when he thinks he is talking to her, he uses the name Katerina? But when it's with anyone else, he calls her Katherine? Maybe because that's the name they all know her by.

"Where's Elena?" Stefan shoots back.

"Safe. How long she remains so depends upon you" Elijah tells him. As I put Coco down, giving him a chew toy.

"Well, I guess the same goes for Katherine" Stefan tells him.

"Oh, Katherine can take care of herself against the two of you" Elijah states.

"Oh you mean the three of us. 'Cause your little sister decided to join Team Good Guys for the time being" Stefan tells him. Elijah is clearly angry about this but remains calm. I take the phone from him.

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