Chapter 1 - Vision in White...

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Chapter 1 - Vision in White...

Ballet. Not something Ville had partaken of in nearly one hundred years; and yet, here he was, at an evening performance of Swan Lake at the invitation of the director. He hoped it was as good as he recalled as he sat and the seating lights dimmed. He glanced about himself curiously, he had thought the director would've come to see if he'd actually shown up; but no one had come.

The thick, red, velvet stage curtains were drawn back, the opening scene of the ballet illuminated... and all previous thoughts were made unimportant by the sight before Ville. His eyes widened infantismally as he beheld the young woman at the centre of the ballet flit across the stage in the opening movement, and the rest of the world ceased to exist.

His ticket crinkled softly as his hands balled into fists in an effort to remain seated. He had found her, after all these wasted, lonesome centuries... he had found his mate.


Ville's eyes watched the young woman across the room, noting how the costume she still wore from the last acts performance floated about her like water. How her eyes sparkled, and her skin glowed like the outer layer of a pearl. She was lively, she was graceful, she was beautiful, she was...

"Mesmerising..." Ville murmured to himself as he thought the word, lost in the vision across the room from him.

"Her name is Alana." Ville glanced to his right at the vampire who'd appeared beside him. "Alana Taylor." The vampire turned towards Ville slightly. "Do forgive me, Cornelius Felton, at your-"

"I know who you are, Doctor Felton." Ville cut the vampire off. "Believe it or not, I'm actually glad to see you here... it means my feelings on a certain matter are not misplaced."

Doctor Felton nodded. "I'm glad you recognised her as yours... but then, the bond always was stronger amongst the royals and nobles..."

"I must meet her..." Ville felt his heart warm as he looked back in time to see her eyes land on him briefly.

"Taken care of." Doctor Felton replied flatly and Ville looked at him curiously. "She's a fan of your band. She won tickets and a backstage pass to the show tomorrow night." Doctor Felton smiled knowingly. "Just like your invitation here tonight was far from accidental, the same can be said of how she'll meet you tomorrow." Ville pursed his lips as he looked away from Doctor Felton. "Ville, you're a prince... Royalty doesn't let their mates stay alone in the world long after they've been found and you know it..." Ville sighed and nodded as he felt Doctor Felton place a friendly hand on his shoulder. "Fret not; she'll make an excellent wife and princess..." Ville felt the hand leave his shoulder and looked around frowning as he tried to relocate Doctor Felton, but he'd vanished with the words. "And, someday...a queen..."


The show had gone well, but Ville still breathed a sigh of relief as the small group that had amassed around him during the meet and greet after the show finally dispersed and he could look over the last few fans talking to the band members. Then Ville saw her. She was dressed simply, white jeans with a black shirt and converse; smiling timidly while Linde was signing a CD for her.

"Alana..." he whispered and Linde glanced in his direction and made the connection that he was talking to the girl Ville had spoken all night about.

He should go over and talk to her... at least say 'hello'... say something... anything!

But all Ville managed when he finally walked over was to say to Linde : "Now who's this darling you've got with you?"

"Alana... Alana Taylor." Alana extended her hand to Ville and he took it, lifting her hand ad pressing a kiss to her knuckles instead of the handshake she'd expected; and she smiled as he released her hand. "I saw you at the performance last night..."

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