Chapter 2 - Taken...

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Chapter 2 - Taken...

Alana shivered as she stared out the frosted glass panes of Vampiric Royal's castle somewhere in Finland, blowing her fringe out of her eyes. She'd been caught. Of course she'd been caught! They were vampires and moved faster than she could... they just liked letting those they chased think they had a chance... but they didn't... and she was living, breathing proof of that. Alana stiffened at the sound of the door behind her opening and a single thought drifted through her mind: 'But for how long?'

"You're up..." Ville's voice, a quiet, concerned, gravelly sound, murmured as the door closed again.

Alana sighed, but kept her gaze focused out of the window. 'Of course I'm up... you'd have to be dead already to sleep in this kind of cold.' Alana saw his reflection appear in the window behind hers and she shivered again. "Where am I?"

"Finland... the far north of Finland to be a tad more precise..." Ville replied calmly; his hand trailing along her arm to grasp her hand firmly, and he gasped. "Your hands are like ice!"

"Observant, aren't you?" Alana mumbled as she tried to take her hand from his.

"Why hasn't there been a fire lit in here for you?!" Ville demanded as he looked around and then guided her over to an armchair by the old fireplace; tucking a blanket around her legs before assembling kindling in the grate and lighting it, building the fire until it could sustain itself for a while. "There..." he murmured softly as he stepped back and moved to kneel in front of Alana, taking her hands in his and rubbing them for warmth. "This should help until the fire heats the air..."

"Why are you doing this?" Alana frowned. "You don't know me-"

"You are my soul mate, pre-ordained by the Heavens to be the only person I'll ever love..." Ville replied with a confused smile. "A love I felt the moment I laid eyes on you..." he swallowed. "I thought my explanation-"

"That was abrupt." Alana cut him off. "And even showing someone the truth doesn't always work." She sighed. "People always underestimate humanities ability to deny what's right in front of them."

"Is that what you're doing?" Ville asked as he looked down at their joined hands, feeling a little warmth beginning to return to the once icy fingers he held.

"Can I say 'I don't know'?" Alana asked as she made an uncertain face at him.

"Can you tell me you feel nothing when you look at me?" Ville answered her question with one of his own, his eyes catching hers and holding their gaze steady; noting how her breath hitched, her pupils dilated, and her heartbeat accelerated. It took her a fair while, but she finally tore her gaze from his, and Ville sighed as he stood again. "My mother tells me you're refusing food..."

"I'll eat when I'm hungry." Alana replied, wincing as her stomach growled. She looked away when Ville gaze her a rather pointed look. "I'll eat when I say I'm hungry."

Ville knelt in front of her again. "This is not the way to rebel, Alana..."

"Fine." Alana looked down as she felt his hands on hers again. "In what way would you suggest I rebel then? Hmm?"

Ville smirked slightly. "Take an unchaperoned stroll with me through the gardens?" he suggested. "It's a little frosty, I realise... but with the right clothes and good coat you should be fine..." he trailed off briefly. "And it would... give us a chance to talk... get to know each other a little better..."

"Give you a chance to work your magic on me, huh?" Alana half joked.

"The term you're grasping for is thrall." Ville replied with a hint of hurt in his voice. "And I would never use such means to summon your ardour."

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