Chapter 9 - It's In The Blood

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Hey guys, so I know I dropped off the face of the planet there for a few months and I apologize. There's been some really awful crap, but I think we're through most of it (I hope), so to celebrate a little here's a short chapter for you all. I know I always say this but hopefully I'll be able to post a few more chapters of other stories soon too. Thankyou so much for your support and friendship, love you guys and I hope you enjoy this

Alana was still shaking, convinced more than ever before that this Van Helsing guy was not messing around. The blood she'd touched, blood she'd washed off her hands hours ago now, still seemed present on her hand even now; trickling along her fingers, tingling beneath her skin as if somehow she'd absorbed part of it... and that thought alone horrified her more than anything else.

"NO!" The King's voice boomed through her addled thoughts and ripped her back to the present situation. "This, I will not stand for! He must be found and-"

"And what, father? Killed?" Ville fumed back at his father, glancing briefly to his right at Alana before continuing firmly. "Might I remind you that it is that exact thinking that got us into this mess in the first place! Do you want more of his bloodline becoming martyrs for a cause they know nothing about?!"

"You'd want revenge if I was taken. Killed, cut up, and buried in random places so I'd never find peace in death..." Alana muttered beside Ville.

"Yes...of course I would."

"Well, that's what he's doing. So," Alana paused, hands clasped together to fight the stinging cold that had spread through her fingers. "Why don't we just give him what he wants?" she saw Ville go to argue, but she spoke first. "No, any of us would do the same if it were any of our family...and we wouldn't stop until we were either dead or had succeeded... so let's just make this easier for everybody and just make amends? Give his family back their ancestors so they may finally have closure."

As if it were that simple, she stood to leave; she was cold, and there was no fire in this room. Even though she did not see it, she felt Ville stand and follow her out of the room and along the winding corridors back to their private chambers. Each step she heard him take behind her filled her with anxiety. What would he say? Was he mad that she'd spoken to him and his father that way? Was he worried she was still in shock?

Her heart began to pound worriedly in her chest as she neared the door to their rooms, praying she'd reach it and be able to shut it before he caught up to her... but she had no such luck. Just as she reached for the doorknob, Ville's hand wrapped around her upper arm and pulled her up short; spinning her to face him and press her back against the stone wall.

Alana gasped. "Ville, I-"

And then his lips were on hers; crushing, almost forceful, in his moment of love.

A low growl escaped Ville's throat as he kissed Alana. "You were...magnificent." He breathed, nipping lightly at her lower lip and waiting for her to whimper before melding his mouth to hers again.

Ville's mouth moved from Alana's to along her jaw and then down her neck; stopping briefly to suck lightly against the pulse point in her throat, and Alana gasped. "Magnificent?"

"A confident Royal in every sense of the phrase..."

"I just don't want anyone else to get hurt-"

"You made everyone see sense...that's what we're meant to do...and you did it wonderfully..."

"But you have to go..."

"I do. Many hands make light work, and hopefully with an extra search party out there, we'll be able to put a stop to Van Helsing's threats that much sooner."

"Then..." Alana pushed him away gently. "I guess you'd better you can hurry back to me..."

Ville gave her a low bow and pressed a kiss to her forehead when he stood straight again. "As you wish, my princess."


Alana had felt ill for some time now and she'd lost some of the feeling in her hands. She was cold, so very cold. At first she'd let the Queen talk her into believing her initial slight lack of strength was due to Ville's absence as he'd claimed her, but not marked or turned her. But, as the days dragged on and she grew steadily worse, it became apparent it was something more than the absence of a familial bond.

She suffered cold sweats and remained unable to keep food down, her breathing becoming more laboured as she fought whatever sickness had arisen in her. Now the Queen, and King - who'd arrived home to the castle two days before, sat with her worriedly.

"It's not natural..." The King murmured, his voice faint to Alana in her state of exhaustion.

"Well it's not magic either, so what would you suggest?!" The Queen snapped back.

"It's Van Helsing...he's gotten to her somehow...I just pray it's not affecting Ville the same way-"

"She is dying and you're concerned for our son? He's fine! He will remain fine unless he's marked and turned her, which he has should pray he gets the chance to do both those things and that we do not lose her!"

"My, my, we're all quite tense, aren't we?" a voice, laced with concern, sounded from the doorway.

"Doctor Felton?"

"My God man, what're you doing here?"

"I came to check up on the newly mated pair...and I see my timing could not have been better." The voice became a little louder as Dr. Felton approached the bed in which Alana lay. "Your Majesty, if I might switch places with you to examine her, please?"

"Yes...yes, of course..." the Queen replied quietly and Alana felt the bed move as Ville's mother stood and then felt it dip again as the newcomer sat beside her.

"Alana?" the new voice called to her gently, a warm hand covering hers for a moment before the person touching Alana turned her arm so that her pulse could be taken. "Alana, can you hear me?"

"Mmph..." Alana made a sound of discomfort and nodded her head.

"I need you to open your eyes, sweetheart, and look at me." Alana made a sound of protest. "Look at me, Alana...I can't help if you don't look at me."

Slowly, Alana's head lolled to the side and her eyes cracked open and she stared at Dr. Felton with bleary eyes. Her throat was dry and she ached everywhere, but she managed a few words. "What's wrong with me?"

Dr. Felton leant forward for a moment and looked her over, his inquiring eyes lingering on hers for a moment before he lifted her hand and she hissed as she felt a small prick to her finger. "Sorry..." he murmured as he let a few drops of her blood fall onto his finger and then sucked them off. His nose crinkled as if he'd tasted something unpleasant. "You've been poisoned, Highness..."

"Well that explains the face..." She tried to laugh but ended up just grimacing instead.

Dr. Felton was immediately texting someone. "I can have extra blood and a dialysis machine here by this evening, but I need you to hang on until then, alright Alana? Can you do that for me?"

"I'll do anything you say," Alana swallowed thickly. "As long as it'll let me see Ville again..."

Well, I hope you liked this chapter. If you did give that little like button a click or leave me a comment - or both if you're feeling up to it!
I look forward to hearing from you all soon, oceans of love to you!

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