Chapter 4 - Expected

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Chapter 4 - Expected

Alana glanced up at the sound of approaching feet and closed the book in her lap; hiding it behind the cushions of the lounge she was sat on.

"Alana?" she heard Ville call out to her. "Are you here?" Hesitantly, Alana stood and stepped around the rows of shelves concealing her from his view...then immediately wished she'd remained hidden as she saw he was with two others. But Ville gave her an encouraging smile as she made herself walk towards the trio at the other end of the vast room. "My love, I wish to introduce you to my parents..." he turned to face the older looking vampires as Alana reached him, and he put an arm about her shoulders as he bowed his head slightly. "Your majesties... this is my mate...Alana..."

"I appreciate the effort, my son," the king, his father, smiled. "But you needn't be so formal."

"She's a delicate flower, isn't she?" the queen murmured gently as she looked Alana over. "There is most definitely a grace to how she walks that will serve her well as a Royal..." she trailed off as Alana held her head a little higher, nothing but displeased with being scrutinised so openly. "And defiant..."

"Sometimes." Ville agreed with a slight smirk at Alana, but she held her tongue as he spoke again. "But I believe it to be one of her finer qualities... she'll never take anything at face value, and always look for the truth of a situation before passing judgement on what merely feels right."

"Not exactly fighting the bond..." his father observed with a chuckle. "But not exactly allowing it to blossom into what it could be either." He looked from Ville to Alana. "No wonder you two are tense."

"Oh hush, Vladimir!"

"Are you forgetting the trouble you gave me, Elizabetta, when we were first courting?" the king smirked down at his wife.

"I simply refused to see you until I was sure of myself." The queen shrugged unceremoniously. "I didn't want to find out that what I felt was merely whim." She paused for a breath. "No matter if it were mine... or yours."

"That I understand..." Alana murmured quietly, freezing in place when all three vampires turned to look at her. "Sorry..."

"No, no my dear, don't be." The queen smiled before gesturing to both Ville and Alana. "See? Exactly the same. Like father, like son."

"Like mother, like daughter-in-law." The king smirked and raised a brow at both women.

"I should hope so!" the queen chuckled. "Never be afraid to question the events around you, my dear. It always pays to know what's going on... and to be certain in your choices before you make them."

"Um..." Alana looked at each of the royals.

Ville chuckled and leant down to kiss the top of her head. "It means they like you, precious."

Alana frowned slightly as she turned to smile up at Ville. "Precious?"

"You are..." the queen nodded to her. "More than you realise..." she paused then clapped her hands together. "Well, father and son have something to discuss, and I'd like to take a turn around the gardens." She looked to Alana with a warm smile, extending a hand to her. "Would you join me?"

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