Izuku Midoriya: Safe Haven

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Reader has a basic "stepping on air" quirk that allows them to move anywhere in any open air. In this, Bakugou's words are not enough in Chapter 322 <- THIS STORY INCLUDES CONTENT UP TO THIS CHAPTER

You had wondered how you and your dear Deku would break up. Fighting definitely was out of the question, you two fit so perfectly. He adored every part of you, absolutely enwrapped in your character in a way he'd said he never experienced except for All Might. You got caught in a memory.

Laying in his lap in his dorm bedroom, you remember him reading aloud the material for school. The book resting on your stomach, you were in absolute bliss as the pillow-propped boy spoke slowly, stumbling a lot, but trying to keep his nerves together. You remembered how warm the moment was: Izuku was naturally getting more closed off, but right then you felt perfectly content.

"-It's getting late, (F/N), should we-?" You shook your head at his words, snuggling into his arms and against him. You knew the boy was blushing madly, "Is... there uh, something on your mind?"

"You," Shifting around, you turned over, straddling the freckled boy, finally able to see his face. You'd expected him to be a tomato by now, but he looked more intrigued and fascinated than anything. He seemed confused, closing the book and tossing it to the end of the bed, "Hmm?"

"I-" He swallowed hard, and a small hint of a blush snuck onto his cheeks. There he was. You giggled to yourself at the thought, and your boyfriend held his hands up, looking unsure of what to do, "Sorry, am I-?"

"Deku," You teased, more in the sense of calling him the term than the name he held. You lightly punching his chest, and he gasped in feigned pain.

"(F/N)!" His mouth fell in an amused smile, and he poked your stomach. You yelped, laughing as you jolted. The looked as if he was going to apologize for poking too hard, so you quickly poked his own stomach. He pursed his lips, trying to hide a smile as he went for the kill and tried to tickle your sides.

You squealed, jolting as you laughed. You pushed on him, but the boy was much, much stronger than you would ever be. You tried to throw yourself off of him, but he went with your motion instead, the smart boy rolling you over so he was over you, "Izu, Izu, IZU I'm gonna die!" You were trying not to scream and disturb his neighbors, one of which envied your attention tenfold.

"Nah," He pulled his fingers away, now hovering over you with a grin, "I'd never let that happen," He leaned down to catch your lips, and you whined against him, hand on his chest and the other going to cup his cheek.

"Nah, you can't get rid of me," You giggled, going back in to capture his lips.


The war changed everything. When you came back to the dorm to find a note among many others, you hesitantly picked the one with your name up. Part of it was in a heart, and your brows furrowed, "Izuku...?" You looked around the room, and his fiery friend immediately shred his own note.

"That little bitch!" He exclaimed, "Damnit!" He looked to you, and although you could see him, you were still reading your note. Part of it caught your eye:
I love you, you know that. I can't let the Villains know about who you are to me, therefor I can't risk being around you. I hope one day we can lay together in peace once again.

"You..." Tears welled in your eyes, pain shooting through your heart as you went to grab your chest at the awful feeling. Uraraka and Mina were quickly by your side, and you let out a violent sob as you read the rest of the note.

You noticed Uraraka was crying as well when you looked up to see her, and you went to hug her. She held you tight, and Mina joined. You shook in their arms, holding on the letter like it was the last thing you would ever see from him. It could be.

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