Bakugou Katsuki: All Kinds of Fame and Death

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Has it been over a year since I wrote proper BNHA fanfiction? Yes. Did I suddenly decide to catch up w/ BNHA and instantly got hooked on Bakugou's character development? Yes. Was it 6AM when I started this? Absolutely.
We currently do not know Bakugou's hero name, therefor I shall be using Ground Zero until further notice. Spoilers for recent(ish) chapters. This takes a while to ramp up, also I put a huge time gap in there because the story was getting tOO LOOONNNGGGGG


Bakugou Katsuki's POV
It was the day before winter break would end. Snow had fallen overnight, but as the trio of young heroes began to stretch their limbs, Katsuki could already see steam rising off the thin, misty layer of frozen water he had come to know dearly as "Kind of like Half n' Half."

"G'mo'ning," The sleepy green haired boy mumbled from across the room. His adrenaline immediately spiked, and the hair on the back of his neck raised up. He hated sharing a room with that moron, but most of all, he hated sharing a room with-

"You too," Half n' Half. The messed-up boy that was ten times closer to the number one hero than him.

"Shut up, it's too early for a happy mood," He mumbled, although most of his words got jumbled up as he rolled unceremoniously out of bed. Katsuki hated mornings, especially early ones.


Once the band ate a quick breakfast filled with bickering and too-sweet compliments that he couldn't bare to listen to, they pulled their hero suits on. As they did, they made idle chatter, or rather the other two desperately tried to pull something meaningful out of him, "Uraraka texted me this morning!" Deku piped up with a shiny smile, and Shouto glanced up from working the zipper on the back of his suit.

"That was nice of her, what did she say?" Shouto was visibly struggling, and Deku quickly ran over to help him. Katsuki felt his heart grow a couple sizes smaller at the kind act.

"What does it matter? Get a move on, they've probably left without us," He snapped, but to his surprise, Deku brushed the comment off and continued.

"She wished me a good morning, then asked what I was doing today," He said with pride, and Shouto nodded as if the information was important.

"Did you reply?"

"No," Katsuki had to grin, holding back a loud laughter as to not disturb the heroes sleeping around them. The noises he made to do so were not ignored by Deku as easily. His head snapped around to look at Katsuki with flushed cheeks, "I-I don't know how!"

"You're fucking hopeless at everything, even crushes," He shook his head as he carefully laced his boots up. Both boys across the room were silent for a second.

"What do you think he should say, Bakugou?" Shouto inquired, and Katsuki felt his mind grind to a halt. What would he do in this situation?

Of course girls (and the occasional guy) have had crushes on Katsuki before, but it's not like he ever tried to sustain a relationship. He always had more important things to do, and it always seemed like the people who confessed to him were trying to fix him. The last thing he wanted was somebody holding him back.

"I'd just ignore the bitch," That earned him an array of colourful responses from the defensive boys, both of them close enough to the girl to defend her honour without her presence. He snickered, enjoying their anger. It didn't take him long to get under their skin.

They met up with the other heroes, getting a quick monologue from Endeavor and a witty remark from Shouto before heading out of the office for grueling missions, one after another, their breaks either minimal or non-existent. Two stretched into three, one ward became a quick backup mission that lasted most of the afternoon, and while they ate lunch, they prepared for another mission that was developing as they spoke.

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