Tokoyami Fumikage: Shy? (Lemon)

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This has a LOT of buildup, be warned.

He was quite reclusive when you first texted him. He was your friend's friend, but they thought that you would enjoy a friendship with him, so they linked you to his social media and you texted him with a simple "Hi! I'm (Friend/n)'s friend, (L/N) (F/N)," and the conversation bloomed after that.

It usually took him a bit to respond, but when he would let himself, you would get a flood of responses before he felt like he was too much. After a couple weeks, he sent you a cute cat video. You definitely enjoyed it, and he was happy to find out that he could bond with you over a love for animals.

-I'm particularly fond of birds.
-Interesting! What kind do you like?
-Ah... parrots?
-I like sparrows.

A couple months into texting, he mentioned that he much preferred texting because he was too shy to talk in person. You asked your friend what he was like face to face, and they just laughed and told you; "it's not really something I'd like to give away. You should meet him, I'll go with you if you want."

So therefor there was a plan. Your friend, who apparently went to middle school with Fumikage, still wouldn't tell you why they thought you two would go well together. It was a mystery, and when you checked his profile out for the hundredth time, you still couldn't tell why someone who posted sappy music quotes was such an interesting person to you.

As the meeting date got closer, you realized that he was texting you less. Your friend just told you that "Yuuei kids study a lot," but you hoped he wasn't being turned away by how much you were texting him. You were a spunky, light person with a rabbit quirk. Pure white hair, a tail, ears, and hyperactivity to back it up, you wanted to be around or talking to others constantly.

At school, you would eat with many people, laughing loudly and talking about anything and everything. You were bright, and loved to lighten up people's lives. This dark, awkward person you were going to meet was nothing like you or anyone you knew, therefor he excited you.

On the day you would meet him, your friend rushed you out of school as soon as the bell rang. You would have to take a long train ride to the city, and you were a little nervous of being in the same place Yuuei was. For heavens sake, this guy apparently went there!

You waited and did your homework, then chatted your friend up until they fell asleep from boredom. When you got to the stop, you nearly bounced out of your seat in need of exercising. You scurried off the train, your friend drudging behind you like a slug, and asked them where to go. As you walked, they shook themselves awake, generally pointing until they had the energy to pull up the GPS on their phone.

You walked for about an hour to a large park with a pond and area for dogs to run in. You fondly remembered talking about your favourite dogs with Fumikage.

-Do you have a dog?
-No, alas, I do like Irish Wolfhounds.
-I like fluffy ones like Irish Setters! Lots of Irish stuff, eh?

You looked around at a couple of the dogs, and your friend found a bench to wait on. A few minutes later, they pointed to somebody crossing the street. Despite the warm weather, they were wearing all black and had their head down. The close they got, the more realized about them; they were wearing a cloak, and they had the head of a bird! Your eyes widened; that must have been what you friend was talking about.

What an odd quirk. Yourself, fostering another animal-based quirk, understood his reluctance to tell you about it. You followed your friend when they got up and shook his hand. You held your own out happily, smiling like a thousand suns. His large eyes scanned your face as he shook your hand, holding his cape tight around his body.

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