Chapter Five

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Hazel passes me a small chalk like figure.

I examine it and immediately turn pink, "Oh I don't- I don't smoke-"

Hazel scoffs, "I'm not your father. I'm your friend."


"Friend. I'm your friend?" My face lights up.

"Yeah, of course. Now, take it." Hazel replies, holding out the cigarette.

I grab it. In reality, I had smoked before, once. But no one really need to know. I take hold of the lighter, and place the cigarette in my mouth.

Hazel had taken me into the balcony. We're sitting on two small stools, and gaze out, peering at the bright blue sky. I almost forgot about all my troubles. After all, I have a friend.

"Feel better?" Hazel asks, turning to me.

"Yeah. A bit." I reply, looking at her gratefully.

She looks out again, and asks, "When are you going to leave?"

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you going to rescue that princess, or whatever?"

I bite my lip, "I was thinking, maybe I'll sell a few things, here and there, and get a house in your neighborhood? It's beautiful here, and I've had more fun here than my entire life in that miserable castle."

Hazel turns to me with a serious look on her face, "Yes you are!"


"No buts! I'm not letting you crush your own dream!"

I look at her in awe. She cared? Hazel of all people? The very same grumpy girl, who didn't care for a moment about me? To make sure I heard her right, I ask, "What?"

Hazel shakes her head in disbelief. "I couldn't complete my goal. Why? Because I gave up! And now, more than ever, I regret it! Don't you think you would too?"

I'm still surprised and confused, "What are you trying to say, Haze?"

Hazel get up from her stool, and looks at me furiously. "You don't know what it's like to live here, Nijel," she begins, with exaggerated hand movements. "Some days, when the season's bad, we don't get food or water to eat or drink. We have to hunt down food like- like animals before hibernation! When those days are there, you wouldn't regret saving that princess and going back home, to your castle? With protection, safety, and food?!"

I look at her, my eyes wide, my mouth hanging open. I didn't even think about the consequences of living here. But the consequences of going back would be even worse, wouldn't they? What if I don't make it in time? I could feel myself begin to sweat, and I put my nails in my mouth, beginning to chew them.

"Nothing, huh?" Hazel looks at the ground, refusing to meet my eyes. Her face starts to redden.

Was she about to cry? What do I do? I haven't ever comforted anyone, people comforted me! Probably because I cry a lot too.

Nevermind that!

I look around me, and find nothing but a cigarette and lighter. My mind goes blank.

Any second now. Any second... she will cry!

"You're right! You're right, you're right!" That's what Hazel would want to hear, so I made her hear it!

I clearly see Hazel biting her lip, to prevent her from smirking with victory.

"I know... I know you're smiling, Haze." I smile.

Hazel giggles. "I'm right! I'm always right!"

"Of course you are, Haze."

"And now I'm right, when I say, I'm coming with you." Hazel grins widely, placing her hands on her hips.

I frown, "I know you won't let me say no, but Hazel, it's too dangerous. Far too dangerous! If I can't fight properly, how will you?"

Hazel's expression grows angry, "And why is that?"

"You have no experience!" I hurry it out, before she gets too offended.

"I'll show you," Hazel murmers angrily, "we leave in five minutes. On the clock, so hurry up. Also, do me a favor and throw the cigarettes in the dustbin. Its near the kitchen."

"But-" it's no use. She's as stubborn as Bucephalus.

I get up, sighing, picking up the chalky remains, heading out of the balcony and into the kitchen, where all my stuff was. Before beginning,  I quickly trashed the remains. Hazel had headed into what I assume is her room, to pack her things. I quickly get out the map, and place it on the counter. I lay it out, trying to figure out the directions.

I can't even figure out where we are, much less where to go.

I don't realize the time fly by, when Hazel comes into the kitchen, carrying a small bag on her shoulder.

"Come on, now." Hazel says. I nod, grabbing my bag and map. I'll have to figure it out as we went.

On horseback, Hazel and I are just about to head off. I have my map open, looking for the directions.

"Hand it over," Hazel says, sitting in front of me.

"But-" I try to stop her, but she had already snatches it from me.

She looks at it for a second and smiles freely. "We just have to take a left from the river, so hold on, Nijel."

"How did you-?"

"Dad was good at maps, he taught me," Hazel replies quickly, and not a moment later, we start to gallop, my troubles hurrying back to me.

A/N- The chapter was shorter than usual, but I wanted to know your opinion on it, do you like the book so far?

If you do enjoy it, please don't hesitate to vote, comment and follow me, it would really help.

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