Chapter Seven

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"You're crazy, you know that?" I ask her.

"I'm well aware."

"It's not even funny- you're more than crazy- loco, psycho." I add.

Hazel replies, "Yes. I know, Nijel."

"So you think marching in there would do you any good?! You do know those things are a sign of her, right?"

"I know, Nijel!" Hazel frowns, "I'm not dumb!"

I sigh, "Go ahead, then. Go ahead, as you follow the path to suicide."

Hazel gives me a nasty sideways glance, and walks confidently to the black, flaming fire floating in the air. The next couple of feet around the fire appear to be floating daggers.

Hazel reaches the fire, and places her hand directly above it. Hazel's feet cower; I know she may act all confident, but she's scared out of her mind. Who wouldn't be?

"The flame of-" Hazel swallows, to afraid to say the name, "Of... of Astrid Stone, I plead for you to let... to let me in, to let me face a duel of death, to grasp food and shelter wherever I go."

The flame whispers, creating a dark aura around Hazel.

"I agree to... to obey your rules. I'm ready to face... to face death." Hazel stammers, and stutters.

I try to speak, but my mouth goes dry, I can't open my mouth, I can't speak! Hazel! No! What are you thinking?! Come back while you still have time! You'll die!

I start to sprint towards her; my hands reaching out, my face begging for her to stop.

Hazel looks back, slowly disappearing. The flame begins to falter. I go to it and place my hands on it, closing my eyes shut. I still have time to go and help Hazel.

The flame dissolves completely, giving me just enough time to get in with Hazel.

I feel a tingly sensation, and I'm teleported to a small field. I see Hazel on her knees, bowing down. I look in the front, and see her.

Scared, I kneel next to Hazel.

She takes no note of me, her eyes only on Hazel. I cower, too terrified to know what she would give Hazel.

"Girl." The blunt and bitter voice echoes. "The challenge I shall face upon you, will be painful, and I doubt you'll make it."

Hazel nods.

"Don't cry, don't show the simplest emotion, little girl, unless you want to die."

Hazel gets up slowly, her body shaking. She breathes in and out, looking in front.

I feel happy she got something like this. Some people have got way worse things, but controlling an outburst of emotions should be easy enough, if you know your life depends on it.

She gives me a sideways glance, smirking. Pulling her hands up, a small cube surrounds me, making me imprisoned. I guess she didn't want interference.

A sudden screen appears in front of Hazel. The screen flashes to two people, on the ground, a puddle of blood under them. One man, and the other woman. Their hands cup into one another's, leaving it as though they died holding hands. Hazel stiffens. Who were these people? Did they matter to her?

A little girl shrieks, "Mama! Papí!"

The screen looks like it's taking a few steps forward, as though the screen is someone's eyes.

Wait. Was this Hazel's memory? Then that means...

I look towards Hazel, she's doing an amazing job holding it in, but I doubt it'll last.

I bang the cube, screaming. Hazel can't hear me.

My hands reaching towards my waist, where sitting on the belt was a sheathed sword, waiting to be opened. I wield it, the silvery color shining brightly, as though knowing it was it's time to shine. I stab the cube with the sword, it only leaving a tiny wither of a crack. Damn it!

I keep on hitting the crack, waiting for it to break. Come on! The crack seems to be expanding, but so slowly that I doubt I'll be able to get to Hazel in time.

No! No! No! I will not let that happen. I will get to Hazel. I just... I just need to try harder. I hit the cracker harder, and harder, putting in all my will power and might. This has to work. This will work. And I will get to Hazel.

I side-eye Hazel while hitting, she was still pulling along pretty okay, her shoulders shaking a bit.

I hit harder, determined. And finally, a small hole forms within the cube. I smile at my work, and hit even harder, just enough to get out.

Soon enough, the hole forms big enough. And I manage to get out, proud of myself. She looks amused, her smirk not changing. She's underestimating me. I run towards Hazel, hands wide open, ready to pull her into a hug. And then I bump headfirst into her very own cube.

"Oww!" I wince.

I rub my nose, thinking up how to help Hazel. I look towards her, her eyes flashing with delight. She doesn't look like what you would except a powerful life force to look like; she looks normal. She looks human. Her presence is the terrifying thing.

I look around myself, an idea flashing into my head.

I'll charge at her. Yes, that would be stupid, knowing that she would crush me within a second. But it was too much right now. I don't have enough time to get to the princess, I don't have enough time to come to the coronation, I don't have enough time to fulfill my dream. My father and sister wouldn't care, they're just a bunch of frauds. Nothing matters right now, except my new found friendship with Hazel.

If she won't make it, I won't either. I have to try. I can do this. Go for the kill, Nijel.

I grasp my sword, it withdrawn at an angle just high enough to attack her. I close my eyes, muttering what should be my last words on Earth. "Goodbye. I'll miss you."

And then, I charge.

A/N- Is Nijel dead? Will Hazel make it?

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