Chapter Thirteen

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The next two days were spent on recovery. Edwin knows that I have to get to the castle in the next three days, but he says that recovery is of more importance than getting to the castle. Of course, I don't agree with him, but he isn't entirely wrong, either.

At this point, I don't believe in myself. I doubt I'll be able to make it. Actually, it's impossible to get to the castle by the time of my coronation.

It's twenty-eighth April, three days before my coronation. It's only been ten days since I met Miguel and María, but that seems ages ago. It's only been nine days since I met Hazel, yet I want to spend my whole life with her.

Why is my sense of time so bad? Why do I care so much?

Before I could continue mourning on my thoughts, Hazel interrupts me, "Let's go."

"Are we taking off now?" I ask, struggling to pick myself up.

Hazel nods, tightening a small bag of herbs to her waist. "Now, come on."

Edwin comes from behind me, and lifts me up from my shoulders. "I got you, Prince Nijel."

A small smile tugs at my lips. I can't help but think that we're only a day's travel away from the damsel.

But that happy thought exits my head as quickly as it enters. We still have five days of travel left to get back from the castle.

Edwin places me on Bucephalus and onto Hazel's lap. He himself then climbs onto his small horse. I look up at Hazel.

"What are you looking at, Prince?" Hazel asks.

I hesitate. "You."

"Hm. I can see that."

And then I drift off to sleep once again.

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I open my eyes, feeling a slight tug on my shoulder.

"Nijel." Hazel says softly.

I yawn, "Hm?"

"Should we stop?" She asks. "Edwin and I are already really worn out."

I get up. "No. We continue. We have to reach there by tomorrow. Come what may."

"But Nijel," Hazel frowns.

"How about this? Who's more tired, you or Edwin?"

"Me." Hazel says immediately. Edwin sighs behind her.

"Then, Edwin, you keep riding for a bit, I'll ride with Hazel."

"But Prince Nijel, you can't do that. That would only make your condition worse."

I shake my head. "No, we continue."

"But your condition-" Edwin starts.

I clench my fists together. "What's my condition?" I snap. "The only condition I see is that I have to reach to that stupid castle right now. And if I don't. Everything for me," I pause, "is completely finished. You could just go back to your old farm and enjoy your life there again. I can't do that. Do you have any idea what it's like to be a prince?!"

"Being a prince is far easier than being an ordinary farmer." Edwin snaps back, holding his ground. "You get the luxury of a castle, you get enough food to eat. You wake up thinking about your delicious food, I wake up thinking if the food I produce is ready to be sold or not."

I swallow and grab hold of my heavy breathing. "Upon all the so called 'luxury', we have responsibilities. We have to dress right, learn the difference between a desert fork and main course fork, be proper, and to lay the load even worse, even after you've been perfect your whole entire life, your father hates you and wants your sister who couldn't give another crap about the townspeople to rule! So tell me, who lives in luxury?"

"STOP!" Hazel shrieks, "Stop fighting, both of you!"

"Sorry, Hazel, but this really your ground to speak." Edwin yells back.

Tears flood Hazel's eyes. "It isn't my ground to speak? If anyone's it's mine. You both had atleast one parent. I was orphaned since I was six! I had to live with my aunt. Guess what? She died too! Everyone always leaves me. I had enough courage to join you lunatic, mentally unstable men, and this is what you tell me?!

"I have helped both of you. I almost lost you, Nijel. But I didn't give up. Not once did I cry about my life at home. But it sucked more than both of yours combined! I survived through it. And now I feel like I should have wailed about it sooner, seeing you two men crying about your so-called 'horrid life'."

Hazel's breathing got shaky and each breath got wetter.

"I-" Edwin tries.

I pull Hazel into a hug. My wound and scratches begin to pain, but I don't let it get to me. "I'm sorry."

"You should be." Hazel sobs.

"Hazel, I-" I start. But I stop myself almost as soon as I start. I was going to say, I love you. But I assume this wouldn't be the right moment to confess my feelings for her.

"Let's continue. And Edwin, do as Nijel told you." Hazel pulls away and looks at Edwin firmly.

Edwin guiltily nods, clearly hurt by Hazel's words. "Of course."

I grab onto Bucephalus and let Hazel lay in me instead of me on her.

I inhale and exhale and encourage Bucephalus to gallop on.

"Hey." Hazel says softly.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything." Hazel smiles, her eyes sparkling.

A/N- Thank you for reading this chapter, I know it took really long for it to be published, and it's shorter than usual, but I just got over my writers block, so it would be appreciated if you could be content with this chapter! Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment, it really helps a lot <3

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