Chapter Ten

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The crunching of leaves, the chirping of crickets, and of course, the screaming. How could I not wake up? As I open my eyes, I see the familiar face of Hazel, furiously pushing me on a hospital cot. I don't say anything, even if I did, I don't know what I could say, Yo, this is fun, anyways how are you doing?

So I watch as Hazel pushes me to I don't even know where, as I hear the voice of the doctor screaming to stop. I almost hadn't noticed the new hairstyle Hazel was wearing today. A high ponytail, instead of her regular braid. What inspired this?

"Nijel, you're awake!" Hazel exclaims, meeting my eyes, a million emotions swelling across her face.

"Yeah- where are we going now?" I ask nervously, scared she'll scream.

"We're running away so you can achieve your dreams, Nijel!" Hazel yells, pushing the cot harder.

"Are you sure about this, Hazel?" I whimper.

"Noo, I'm doing this because I want to see what it feels like to run away and put my friend's life in danger!" Hazel rolls her eyes, sarcasm flaring through her voice.

This tone somehow reassures me. "Sure, Haze. Let's go."

"You know-" Hazel pants, "How damn heavy you are? It took half an hour to get you here."


"Shut up."

Yep, this is definitely the Hazel I know. So, I keep shut, just staring up as Haze pushed me.

"Bucephalus!" Hazel yells loudly and gleefully. "Eddy!"

"God, Hazel, chill! You almost gave me a heart attack." I hear another voice yell. Eddy? Who's Eddy.

I frown, "Who's that-?"

"So, this is Prince Nijel, huh?" The same voice, who supposedly is Eddy spoke.

Hazel nods, beaming ear-to-ear. "Help me load this moron onto Bucephalus, Eddy."

I feel myself getting lifted into the air, I felt weightless and like I can fly away any second. In Eddy's arms I glance up at his face. A bulky posture, and more muscled... than me! Can you believe it? The amazing prince of amazingness is not yet the most muscular person!

With a thump, I lie onto Hazel's lap on the horse.

"Hazel, who's that?" I whisper.

"That's Edwin. He's been helping me for a while, since we arrived here, actually." Hazel looks gratefully towards Edwin.

I feel a tinge of jealousy, "Okay, bye Eddy," I say mockingly, "thank you for your help or whatever. C'mon Haze."

Hazel chortles forcefully, "No. Eddy's going to come with us. We owe him that much."

"It's okay if you guys don't want me here, Azie. I'll leave." Azie?! Why is he calling Hazel, 'Azzie'! Why are the calling each other nick names. Why do they know each other in the first place anyway, we don't want him here. We're a trio! Me, Hazel and Bucephalus. He can't just- just-

"It's fine, Eddy. You have Luna, you can ride her with us." Hazel says quickly, looking at me with a deadly stare.

"Okay, thank you guys. I could really use a vacation from this exhausting farming business. Oh, that reminds me of a joke! What should the farmer say to the cow when it comes in his way? Mooooove!" Edwin laughs purely.

Hazel chuckles, "You're really funny."

"Oh thank you!" Edwin smiles.

I feel so out of place. Like I don't belong- like- like I'm third wheeling!

"Are you ready, Eddy, Nijel?" Hazel asks, holding onto me tightly.

Why did Hazel say Edwin's name before mine? Does she like him more than me? Ughh, I hate Edwin already!

"I am." Edwin replies quickly. Quicker than I could.

"Same." I say, anger visible on my face.

"Giddyup, then, Bucephalus!" Hazel says.

Bucephalus begins at top speed.

"Azie," begins Edwin, galloping on his own horse, "you haven't told me much about how you two met. Care to tell?"

This is annoying me. Why didn't Hazel tell Edwin all about us?

Hazel shook her head, "I think that'll just remain a story of our own. Don't you think, Nijel?"

"Yeah, probably."

Hazel sighs, "Why are you being so grumpy, Nijel?"

"It just hurts, okay?" I defend myself with an excuse. My wound did hurt though.

"Do you want to take a break or-" Hazel tries.

"No!" I exclaim. "Keep on going."

"As you wish." Hazel nods, looking upset. I regretted speaking to her like that almost immediately.

I close my eyes, trying to put myself to sleep.

"Is he always like this?" Edwin asks almost as soon as I press my eyes shut.

"Nah. I think he's just stressed. He has a lot on his shoulders, of course." Hazel replies, dismay in her tone.

"Right. Should we slow down? If he wants to make it, we'll have to take a lot of breaks. To give him water and medication. Right?" He asks.

"Yeah. We should. I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Eddy."

"It's fine, I like this company. Normally, animals at my farm aren't the most interesting. All they do is... well... be animals."

Hazel giggles slightly. Why is Hazel giggling? This is all too much.

I can feel Bucephalus slow down and stop and I can feel myself being lifted up again, being placed onto the ground.



"What are those?"

I hear a loud scream, recognizably Hazel. I lift my heavy eyelids open frantically. A few feet away from Hazel I see three dark figures, tall and lean. The first figure, the one clothed more heavily, walks forward.

"Who are you?!" Edwin yells his fists ready to knock someone out.

The first figure places his hands on his head, his dark lips curving into an unpleasant and unnerving smirk. This sign was all too familiar. Could it be... could it be that Astrid Stone has already announced war on us?

From his head, the black flame with daggers around it appears; the very same one that Astrid Stone uses to signify her presence.

"You should have listned to Miss Stone. Now face the wonders of death."

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