Chapter 7 Ask For Help

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The duo approached the front door of the beautiful old house. The hedges were perfectly trimmed and one of the trees had even been cut into the shape of an elephant. Dani had to admit it was slightly excessive, especially in a town of people who for the most part couldn't afford to pay rent let alone to have someone trim your hedges for you, But Gerald had been through the same before his career took off so she supposed he had the right. She rapped on the shiny white wood door. The two stood waiting for an answer.

"I told you I could do this on my own." She muttered.

"Well you're safer with someone having your back and we're here now so there's not much you can do about it." Sam sighed eyeing her. "You don't work with other hunters often do you?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Running off alone at the shack. Wanting to do this alone. It's clear you're not used to having a partner."

Before Dani could answer the door was flung open and she was engulfed in a hug.

"Daniella! So good to see you!"

"Hey, Gerry!" She smiled. The man was tall only a little shorter than Sam even in his old age. A purple patterned scarf was draped over his boney shoulders.

"Have you come to schedule another singing lesson. It's been a while. I hope you've been practising. Can't let that gift of yours go to waste." He squeezed her cheeks between his palms.

"I have don't worry." She struggled to get out her lips pursed like a fish. "But I'm not here for a lesson actually." His hands dropped.

"Oh?" He seemed to finally notice Sam standing there. "And who is this?"

"Oh, this is uh...My uncle" SHIT. Well, the best lies are based on truth. "Mom's sister's husband. He's visiting from out of town." Dani said thinking quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. I know Jewels took it very badly when she lost Sarah." Gerald pressed his hand over his heart. Sam not knowing what to do just nodded in mock sadness not that he had to dig very far.

"I'm Sam." He offered a hand to the older man.

"It's very nice to meet you. I must say even though there is no blood relation you do look remarkably similar."

Dani cleared her throught.

"Anyway. I was just wondering, Do you know anything about the Davidson shack?"

Gerald bristled.

"Why?" Came his curt reply.

"They found all the missing people last night." Dani analysed the elderly man's body language. 

"They were all in the shack it was like they had barricaded the door."

"Why are you asking me?" His voice hardened.

"A photo of you was found."


"You may be the next target." Sam cut in. "For whoever did this."

"I could be in danger?" Gerald asked, directing the question back at Dani. His tone was off somehow. It sent a chill up Dani's spine. 

"It's possible," She said. "Do you know why anyone would be after you?" She watched his face shift. "Or do you have anything to do with the shack?"

"I think you should leave." The energy changed. She could feel something shift in him something she hadn't seen before and she had known him since she was six years old.



Dani flinched.

 -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"I'm telling you something isn't right with him he knows something." Dani sighed. She was slumped on the stool back at the diner. She picked at the seam between the colourful countertop and the wood skirting.

"Kid, it's Gerry. I don't think he could hurt a fly even if he wanted to. Though he shouldn't have talked to you like that, you didn't deserve that." Hal scrubbed at a stubborn bit of dried food.

"I've never seen him like that, that's all." She fell into a thoughtful silence. Hal watched as the crease formed between her eyebrows.

"Kid?...Hey Kid." Nothing. He reached out shaking her shoulder. Her eyes flicked to his.


"Lost you there for a minute. Don't overthink it you'll drive yourself nuts and then give yourself a migraine then I'll be short-staffed and I can't have that." He smiled softly. "Plus I'd have to tell Jason and that'll turn into a whole thing."

"You don't have to tell him everything you know." She looked down bashfully.

"No, I do. He nags me about it. "How's Dani doing? Did she come to work today? Does she seems like she's thinking about me?" Quite frankly it's annoying. But he cares about you so." Hal shrugged dismissively.

"Do you have any advice in that department?"

"I can't tell you what to do or how to feel."

"Damn." Humour laced her words. "It'd just be great if I knew how I felt."

"You've known each other virtually your whole lives. Things are bound to be weird when that relationship changes."

"I don't know if I want it to change, and honestly I'm mad at Jason for making it change."

Hal gave a knowing smile.

"What?!" Dani gasped.

"Yall have been crazy about each other for years. You've wanted it to change too, you were just too chicken to do anything, so he did."

"I'm not chicken."

"Yeah sure." She glared at him. "Fine, fine." He held his hands up in surrender. "But you really should talk to him, have an actual conversation about it."

"Yeah...I know."

"And that's exactly what you should do with that hunter fella."


"Your uncle."

Dani's eyes blew wide.

"Jason told you!?"

"He's worried about you Kid. Honestly so am I."

This was exactly why she didn't want to tell Jason in the first place. She didn't need people knowing. The more people that knew about it, the more likely the chances of Sam finding out.

"You don't need to be worried it's my problem."

"You don't have to do everything alone, you know that right?"

Since her mom's death, Dani had fallen into her old habit of dealing with all of her problems alone even if they were more than she could handle. To make matters worse she often took on other people's problems as well. Hal and Jason wouldn't even be aware of this bad habit if she hadn't have collapsed into a ball of tears on more than one occasion when the pressure got too much.

"I know. Thank you."

"Just promise me if it gets too big you come to me, even just to talk."

"Okay. I promise."


A jingling sound alerted her to the person entering the diner. Sam stepped through the door. He spotted Dani.

"You got a minute."

"Yep, I'm on break. Shoot." 

AN: Hey guys! Finally moved into my flat and back at Uni. It's been a hectic few weeks. Things will be settling down again soon so should be writing a little more. Hope you're enjoying the story so far. 

Love ya! 

Meg 💙

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