Chapter 12 Goodbyes

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So far the ride back to town had been completely silent. Dani was lost in thought about how she felt about Gerald's betrayal and Sam tried to get his head around the nagging feeling about some of the things the demon said. "Family reunion." and "Though I suppose she is the only real family you have left." What the hell was that supposed to mean.

"Mind if we put some music on? It's too quiet in here." Dani asked. It made him jump he had been so lost in his own brain that he had almost forgotten she was there.

"Uh sure."

The radio fizzled to life as the first notes of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" filled the car. The two returned to their brooding. Sam watched her for a moment. Her hand was rubbing gently back and forth over her couler boan. Her rings glinted in the dim light.

"You alright?" He asked. She blinked a few times.

"Oh uh. I'm fine." He could tell she wasn't but he didn't want to push. "How about you?" She asked.

"Yeah fine." Also a lie. "Hey, do you know what the demon was talking about?"

"What do you mean.?"

"Well, he said you were the only family that I had left."

Dani tried not to visibly tence up.

"Gerry had told him that I was your niece because of what we told him. That's why the demon didn't take me he thought I was related to you. Something about the Queen of Hell?"

Sam nodded.

"Rowena. She was a close friend before she died."

"You're family frineds with the queen of hell." She scoffed in disbelief. "Who the hell gets bragging rights to that?" She laughed.

Sam had to admit from an outside perspective it was a very odd thing to be able to call on the Queen of hell if he needed it. Not that he had but he knew she would come if he really needed her.

"Yeah, I guess it is a little weird."

Something still nagged at his brain, a large part of him wasn't satisfied with her answer. Something was still off.

 -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

The impala pulled up to the curb outside of Dani's apartment building. It was layed out almost like a motel. Rows of apartments stacked on top of the other with concrete walkways attaching them with bright red railings running along with them.

"Do you have a way to pick up your car?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I'll ask Jason to drive me tomorrow."


Dani fell silant. This was the last chance she had to come clean and tell him everything.

"So-" Sam turned his attention back to her. "I just-I guess you'll be leaving town then?"

"Yeah. I huh I'll head out tomorrow morning."

"Oh well, say goodbye to Miricle for me."

"I will." He smiled.

She watched him for a long moment. The look made Sam wonder what was running through her head.

"Well." She finally said. "Good bye Sam."

"Bye Dani." She stepped out of the car slamming the door behind her. Sam watched as she climbed the steppes to the second floor made her way to the very end then entered the apartment. When he was satisfied she was safe he started up the engin and drove away.

AN: Only a short one guys sorry. The next chapter will hopefully be longer and will be more focused on Sam.

Write soon.

Meg ❤️💋

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