My Prince

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The idea of falling in love seemed like a dream. A dream that would come in time and when it did, he would be the happiest he'd ever be. When he was younger, he loved to watch his parents; both having unimaginable love for one another that seemed to last forever. Of course, however, all good things must come to an end and he was forced to watch as his parents fell out of love with one another. Merely twelve years old and his father was gone.

He grew up that day, turning to help his mother in every way he could whilst attending school. His mother turned to God for help and he allowed her to speak her sorrows to the man above; whether he believed or not was up for debate. His dream of true love soon diminished, scaring him to face the same fate that his mother did. He was scared to wake up one day and be alone, alone with no one to love him.

He was scared to fall for someone and they turn against him overnight.

According to his mother, God had a plan for everyone and he decided that his parents weren't good together and were better apart. He begged to differ. He never knew why his father and mother turned against each other in the start, when he learned the truth, however, he wished to forget it. Forever scarring him and scaring him away when anyone showed the slightest bit of interest in him.

Throughout high school, the man never had a partner, never went on a date, never kissed anyone, and never expressed anything romantic towards another person. His friends lost hope, eventually turning away from the discussion completely. They gave up on him after graduation.

When he began college, he thought it would be a fresh new beginning for him. That maybe this would be his time to start dating and finally find himself, find out who he was. He had one friend who followed him, his best friend for a total of twenty years– their mothers were and still are the best of friends which caused the two to fall in the loop and continue the tradition. She knew every waking thought that went through his head and always had a shoulder for him to lean on.

Unfortunately, they weren't so lucky to be roommates in the dorms.

The school had some weird rules for first-years sharing rooms with the opposite gender. What did they do if you were non-binary, huh? Either way, they sucked it up and she soon befriended her roommate and hit it off. The duo soon became a trio.

As for his roommate?

He was a weird guy and preferred to hang out in the garden alone rather than with other people. The man respected that and never pushed anything onto him. He was attractive though, he'll give him that. He knew he was attracted to men, he figured that out a few years ago and only his mother, roommate and two friends knew. It wasn't something he flaunted because people didn't need to know.

But to reiterate the first paragraph, love was a dream for Scott Smajor. He had mixed feelings and over the years, his views had definitely changed about it. At first, he loved it, then despised it, hated it, was scared of it and now he's in deep shit.

"I'm headed out," his roommate said as he picked up his bag. It had a few patches which had been melted on that were aged with time and dirt– a fish keyring that Scott had bought him as a mock gift hanging from one of the zippers. The man liked cod but hated salmon. "I'll see you later."

"Have fun in class, Jimmy"

"Does anyone ever have fun in class?" He turned around, flashing his brown eyes at the teal-haired man. Scott smirked with a chuckle.

"Shelby likes her classes"

"That's Shelby! She likes nature and all that humbo-jumbo!"

"You're going to be late, better get going, Cod Father" He mocked, his fingers returning to the laptop keyboard which sat in his lap. Jimmy let out a small breathy chuckle before waving and closing the door behind him.

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