While black was fighting he think of something amazing
Goku black pov
Oh i know a idea, i could fuse with that mortal and we will become one and if i fuse with him i become stronger than ever.Black told zamasu about the idea and he agree.
Goku black: hey goku, fuse with me and we will become one.
Goku: what no!!
Vegeta: what the heck
Trunks: impossible.
Everyone fights agains black. But they lose. At that moment black and zamasu grabs goku and goes somewhere secretly.Vegeta: oh no we need to stop that bastard.
Goku black :Now we will fuse!
Goku: no you bastard. You wont get away with this.
But before goku can say anything , they start a god fusion spell
Zamasu: mozalute ! Otzulaki! Yevaku! Masge !!!
As then zamasu, goku black and goku fuses.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. After they fused they went to the present world. And there they went to earth.
When everyone fellt their energy everyone came.
Ttunks:there you are goku we have been looking for you.
Vegeta: trunks that is not goku. That is his fusion
Trunks: whaaat!!
Picolo: what hapened.
Gohan: dad are you alright.
Goku: i am not your father, mortal.
Chichi: goookkkuuu ive been looking for you.
Goku: shut the fuck up
As then goku blast a energy blast at chichi.
Gohan: mom! How dare you father.
Vegeta: tsch
Goku: for ! The last time i am not your father !!!!!!!
As then goku stabs gohan with a energy blade. When he does that everyone starts to atack.
But with just 1% of his power, he defeats, ssjb vegeta, picolo fp, trunks ssj beserk.
And just at that moment beerus and whis arrives.
Whis: oh hy goku , why are they death!
Beerus: why did you kill them.
Goku: because i am a god and i do what i want.Beerus: (laughing) a god !
Goku: hahahaha very funny.
Whis: goku you have change.are you ok.Bulma: whis, lord beerus please help us. That is not goku. That is the fusion of goku black and goku.
Beerus: what !!!
Whis: whaat !!
Beerus: now this is getting serious,
Whis: we must take him to grand zeno, my lord.
Beerus: ok are you sure.
Whis: yes.
Beerus: but what should we do he is to strong.
Whis: i know something.
As then whis puts a barier around goku so he cant exit, and then they take him to grand zeno.