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Vados calling whis.

Whis: oh hey vados, why you calling?
Vados: because i wanted to say when the tournament begins,it begins this friday.did you already found fighters?

Whis: no

Vados: ok, oh and by the way goku can participate,

Whis: anyways, i know your secret.

Vados: wait what !

Whis: your secret is that you like goku.

Vados: how do you know, no one can know this.

Goku: oh i see you like me vados.


Vados hangs up


Beerus: whis lets go to earth , to find fighters.

Whis: sure.

While the gang was having a party,  they saw beerus,whis,and goku.

Bulma: wait what, whis , beerus. What are you doing with that imposter !!

Beerus: he is no imposter anymore.

Chichi: than if he isnt an imposter, he isnt  my wife.

Goku: i was never your wife, mortal.

Chichi crying.

Vegeta: you asshole .

Beerus: if somebody disrespects him, will be killed.

Whis:we have come here to pick fighters, for a tournament.

Everyone: a tournament !!!

Whis: yes in the tournament, you will be fighting against, mortals from an another universe.

Vegeta: ok then that sounds fun, were in.

Will be participating

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