Chapter 1

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The classroom was bustling with different groups of senior high school students gathered together chatting. It was the first day of school, and everyone was excited to see their friends again after the long break.

Well, one person was certainly not excited to see a certain someone.

"Chen Jinyue, catch!"

The girl who had been called turned in the direction of the voice, only to receive a strike squarely on her forehead with a paper ball. It didn't hurt, but it certainly pissed her off. "Su Shihao!" she yelled, eyes seething with rage and fury as they darted towards the culprit, who was laughing hysterically.

Jinyue picked up the ball and aimed it at the culprit. She threw it in that direction in full force, and it hit his head.

"Hey!" Shihao shouted. He dramatically rubbed the spot where the ball made contact and said, "You almost broke my skull."

"Hey!" Jinyue mimicked in a mocking tone. "You asked for it," she said with a poker face. With that, she turned back to the front and dived back into the book she was reading.

"She's so cold and indifferent," she heard him mutter, but she ignored him. Everyone knew that Jinyue was a bubbly person; she was always seen with a smile on her face. However, when it came to Shihao, all one could see was displeasure.

It was with great misfortune that Jinyue had to be stuck in the same class with Su Shihao for yet another year. She groaned. She dreaded having to spend another year tolerating his antics. Having endured it for two years, Jinyue had hoped that they would be assigned to different classes for their third and final year in senior high school.

Some things simply never go your way.

Every day without fail, as long as Su Shihao and Chen Jinyue were both in class, he would do something, anything, to tick her off. The reason for his constant disturbance was unknown, but everyone was used to it. Besides, Jinyue always had a way to get back at him and shut him down. That never succeeded in stopping him, though.

Jinyue sighed woefully as she recalled her past two years with the class jester.

"Everybody! Chen Jinyue has no mother!" sixteen-year-old Shihao yelled across the classroom. It was common knowledge that Jinyue was raised by a single father, for she had never mentioned her mother, nor did she ever appear. And Jinyue was fine with that; she was proud of her father for raising her well alone.

People in the class started whispering among themselves. Some wondered why Shihao would suddenly say that. Others were curious to see what her response would be. A handful who didn't know about this fact didn't know what to think of it.

Jinyue raised an eyebrow. His announcement came out of nowhere. She wondered what Shihao was trying to achieve by saying that, but it certainly ticked her off that he thought her having a single dad was a shameful thing. She didn't care if he annoyed her to no end, but she wouldn't stand by and watch others insult her beloved father.

"So what? My father raised me better than your parents raised you. All by himself. That's something to be proud of," Jinyue replied calmly. That silenced everyone. He got roasted.

"Hey, leave my family out of it. I insulted you, not your family," he replied.

Jinyue shook her head. "Su Shihao, you started it. You said I didn't have a mother. A mother is a member of a family. Hence, you've insulted my family. Have you not considered that my mother could be dead?"

Shihao was speechless. He truly never considered that possibility. In China, unregistered citizens couldn't go to school, and those born out of wedlock didn't have a hukou, which made them unregistered citizens. Since Jinyue was a student in their school, she had a hukou, which meant that her parents had to be married when she was born. Her mother had to be either dead, ill or abroad, or maybe her parents had separated, and her mother had left the family, even her own daughter, behind.

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