[Arc 17] Ch.8 Princely Schemes

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My next guests came in an hour later, well into the dark of the night. I could have sworn that the door didn't even move. I just had the brat show up out of thin air and plop down on the couch.

"You sure took your sweet time getting here but thank you for saving Ben from that sniper." I said looking up at the phantom prince dressed up in his Alpha costume.

"It wasn't a problem. But now that I'm here I'd like to get this favor out of the way as soon as possible." He said.

"Don't be like that, it's not like I've been a spiteful person about this." I said as I pulled the documents out of my vest pocket. "The locations of the Mine, the Casino, and the Factory."

He accepted the paperwork when I handed them over. "I've just been in the south for too long. After I get back to Hearthroam I'm going to finish up some business and take a long vacation."

"So you are finally revealing yourself to the world?" I asked.

"In my own season for my own reasons." He answered cryptically.

"We can't continue to run away from who we are." I shook my head. "I won't assume to know your circumstances, but I know I've finally run away so far it's put my family in danger. I don't even know if I'll ever reconcile with my brothers."

"Ah yes brothers. I have somewhat kept a relationship with my sisters but my brother... I am ashamed to admit I have never met him even though I own him so much." he said. "This factory, what do they make?"

"Slave Collars, I've had to be tolerant of them since my brother has strong ties to the business but since our 'brother's war' has begun there is no need to be so tolerant. Also the slaves that have been seen are around are strange, they have a pale complexion like they have never seen the sun. But their demeanor is healthy and innocent as if children were placed in human bodies. I don't like it." I said. "It reeks of foul business."

"I assume these slaves are working in the mines then." The phantom prince deduced.

"Yes, in greater and greater numbers. I don't know where they are coming from either. I've been monitoring the ports and all the roads and back roads into the kingdom, but there are no signs of trafficking of such a large number of people." I answered.

"How is the casino connected?" he asked.

"The money from the Casino funds the expensive mages that enchant the slave collars, there is also a good number of the peculiar slaves working there as staff. Although not all of them have collars you can tell they come from the same place. Wherever it is they come from."

"I suppose you want me to figure out where these strange people are from then." he narrowed his eyes on me.

"As much as I'd love to solve the mystery around them, I can't afford to wait any longer."

"You want to destabilize your brother's power and implicate them in a scandal if they investigate it. But will this be enough?" he asked as if he had seen through my resolve.

"Of course not, but if I do too much too fast, they will snuff me out first." I waved my hand dismissively.

"All things in their time I suppose. When we spend all our energy running away from our problems, nothing is more scary than the point of no return." He mused.

"Don't I know it. For now, destroying these locations will be enough." I sighed. "I would like to know where these people are coming from and why they are so excited to be enslaved. Were they saved or were they brainwashed? I will have to satisfy myself with knowing that the Elkwood rangers have an edge up on the competition for now. The most powerful army in the kingdom supported by the most powerful strategist. The only problem is that both the Marquis and his fiancé are the black sheep at court."

"The best laid plans always have the best hidden pitfalls."

"Except these pitfalls aren't hidden, they are stubborn and awkward. Especially now that they like each other they seem even more engrossed in avoiding showing affection to each other. Ben and Frany just need to kiss and make babies! Argh! They are even more frustrating than my brothers, who I might add, have already sent assassins after me!"

"If there is anything I've learned it is that steady development is better than no development." He said.

"There was some development when we were attacked that second time after we parted and he nearly got his whole arm torn off protecting her. Because of that she's been doting on him since his recovery is going to take some time. But then they started becoming conscious of each other and can barely say three words to each other without it being strictly business related." I sighed, I just wanted to lock them in a room and throw away the key until they confess their actual undying love for each other.

"Returning to the topic of getting rid of these locations, it is going to take some time to investigate and make a plan. But it will get done. I have a request to make in the meantime." He said.

"I'll listen to it." I said glad to finally have this task done with.



After I left prince Vance's office and decided I needed to make an important stop.

I wind shifted through the halls which is one of the stealthiest methods for travel. The biggest problems with it that made it less viable as the end-all-be-all of stealth techniques was that it was heavily draining and anyone with enough attunement to wind magic could easily sense the concentrated mana moving through the air.

But the place I was going next, the person would be expecting me.

I passed through the halls staying as close to the ceiling as possible and eventually slipped under the door of the room I was going to. I reformed and looked at the bed with the girl's sleeping figure.

With a flash of blue fire, I revealed my real face as I pulled off my hood. And looked around the sizable room... well she was a princess. I reminded myself.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep." I said as I approached the bed.

"Oh, you are no fun. Can't you at least pretend to take advantage of me while I am sleeping?" Nerinin sat out and pouted playfully.

"I like my bones properly undamaged, I won't even ask why you are here. I know you followed me." I shook my head.

"But I know you are happy to see me." she hopped out of the bed, and I wasn't ready for what I saw. A beautiful toned woman wearing only panties and a short tank top. I often forget just how... bountiful... her chest is because she is so athletic and often wears her red hood that covers the top part of her torso and this world's version of the sports bra.

My brain blew a fuse at the sudden intake of skin and jiggliness that I wasn't expecting. When she jumped into my arms, I was incredibly conscious of the warm globes pressed against my chest and the soft lips that pressed against mine.

And here I thought I was good at this kind of thing after so much skin ship with Talisa... NOPE! Although they were both beautiful and charming, I only ever saw Talisa fully and properly clothed. And she was conservative and nowhere near as straightforward and shamelessly cool as Nerinin.

She looked up into my eyes and leaned her body into mine as I instinctively wrapped my hands around her waist. Smooth warm skin and firm taut muscles assailed my hands, and I couldn't help pressing my palms against her back just to feel her better.

"I'm not exactly someone you can shake off, mister Phantom Prince." She giggled. "I'm glad to see you are safe."

"One step closer to my goal every day. But I have some things to do... I was wondering if you wanted to come along for an adventure." I asked.

"What kind of adventure?" She asked with a devilish grin.

That's my girl.


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