[Arc 13] Ch. 8 Bloody Education

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Why did there have to be the nobles in this class for this lesson?

Although judging by the twisted personality of the Prince this lesson may help our cause. It may also be a good testing field for presenting Blood magic in a new light. Alright let's do this.

I stood in front of the class and wrote the words 'Primal Life Magic Theory' on the board. Nerys instantly screamed like a teen girl who had just seen her crush while many of the students I had originally recruited also stirred and got excited. I don't think I've ever seen them open up their notebooks so quickly.

Shannon, Kallit, and the three nobles observing the class all noticed the excitement in the room with quizzical looks on their faces. None of them had been to my presentation at the start of the year, it seemed so the concept of blood magic going by a different name for the sake of PR went over their head. Plus, it's not like it's normal for students to be this excited about learning.

"Some of you weren't here when we touched on this before, so I'll start from the beginning." I drew a circle on the board and started tracing crisscrossing lines inside of it. "As we know this world is saturated with magic, with no better example than the ley lines that run under our feet flowing with pure magical energy. This very institution was founded on the study of magic and most notably the study of ley lines."

Then I drew people and animals outside the circle. "The short explanation is that over time our bodies have been absorbing the magic around us. Giving us increased vitality, health, and unique abilities. Then on top of that the spirits gave us even more magic."

"We understand these magics and how to use them as Spirit magic and Blood magic." I waited for the reaction and calls for heresy but Kallit had already said her piece at the court and was sitting patiently. Shannon and Lady Ulster were both pale, but the two noblemen just waited for more.

"Spirit magic is the most commonly accepted form of magic at Heathroam and around the world we've been learning it ourselves without too much fanfare, so I won't beat around the bush." I smiled as I saw my own students at the edges of their seats.

"Primal Life magic as we will call it in place to its more controversial name is the magic inside of us and the ways of understanding it have been broken down into three categories thus far. Hereditarial, Oblationary, and Saguination." I wrote those big words on the board.

"We actually have adept users of these three magics in this class with us. But let's go over they are before we talk about who uses what." I smiled at the shocked expression on Kallit's face at that little announcement.

"Hereditarial blood magic is the most straightforward. It is magic you inherit from your parents, Talisa and Hazel are the easiest example of these, but I'll talk about Hazel in this case. Since embarrassing my little sister is the pride of a brother." I dodged Hazel's pen as it buried itself in the black board behind me. I pulled it out and with a wave of my hand fixed the hole and cracks in the board.

"My Sister and I are half rabbits. I got the human looks and from our father and white hair from mum. My sister, the exact opposite. The Hereditary magics of the rabbits are most commonly known as their increased speed and ability to strengthen their legs. The wolves have the Felhound syndrome and some possess the ability to transform into giant wolves. Foxes have their tails and the elusive foxgate phenomena. Some of them are passive additives to endurance or the senses like the Deer clan and some are activatable like the demonkins nature proficiency for fire magic." I explained. "My sister has the inherited ability to increase her leg strength which is the most visible manifestation of this Hereditarial blood magic."

"The more impressive part however is not her incredible leg strength but the way it so powerfully increases her lung capacity, heart rate, and cognitive abilities so that she can not only maintain her ability to run and fight but also her ability to react and respond to stilimli when she puts her effort into her speed. In simple terms her brain speeds itself up slowing down time so that she can respond while moving quickly on those legs."

I was surprised when the man next to the Prince raised his hand. He was a passive observer for the most part I didn't expect him to have a question.

"Marquis Elkwood, you have a question." I called on him.

"Excuse my interruption. You mentioned every race except for the humans. Do the humans not possess a Hereditary blood magic to call upon?" he asked.

"On the contrary. Humans have the most powerful and elusive blood magic. It is not completely understood but the Audacitor has dubbed it 'limit break' in his work." I held up the Audacitor's codex. "You may have a copy if you wish, but to elaborate. The theory behind the Limit Break phenomena is that it is a symptom of humanity's natural inability to call open it along with an overreliance on spirit magic makes it rich. Like a well-kept farmer's field that hasn't been sown with seeds yet. Limit Break is the secondary form of calling on this magic takes, and allows for mythical amounts of stamina and power to be wielded and unleashed. My'kel's fight with the Devil is one such instance of this phenomena in My'kel's Triumph."

"You mentioned it's the secondary form of calling on that power, what is the first?" The prince asked.

"Oblationary blood magic. What many assume is the only and most villainous kind is actually the original magic of which every other magic namely spirit magic is derived." I stated. "Originally, someone would use blood to draw a sigil which would use the magic inside that blood to cast a magic. Spiritual magic broke the sigils down in order to simplify the process of using spirit magic but the way of using spiritual magic was not compatible with Oblationary magic and had disastrous consequences. Usually, because when Oblationary magic uses up the magic in the catalyst it disappears as it turns to dust. For this reason, it was discouraged to practice both. When spirit magic became more popular than blood magic it escalated to hatred until it was actively persecuted today."

"I will teach this blood magic, especially seeing as how several of you already use it. But I must add on this warning." I looked at my class. "Never, ever, use the blood or tissue inside your own body as a catalyst. The danger of all the blood in your body turning to ash is too great. We will go over every alternative so that you will never be driven to that point." I looked at my class severely.

"This magic became taboo because it was and still is dangerous, especially to the foolish. Sorcery is dependent on the responsible use of all magics but especially this one. Do not disgrace the red of your uniform by dying a pitiful fool while mishandling blood magic." I stood in silence for a long time as I met each one of their eyes before continuing.

"The reason it has been dubbed Oblationary Blood Magic and not just simply blood magic. It is because other biological material can be used in casting. Such as bones and organs. I would even go as far to say that using bones harvested from chickens or demons beasts would be the most preferable means of casting, especially to cutting open your hand in the middle of combat." I said while drawing an imaginary blade over my hand.

"In oblationary magic we offer the magic that has been stored inside the organic material to cast the spell, the older the material the stronger the spell. Any nonsense about virgin maidens can be discarded as fantasy babble. And I would argue that the bones of your steak would be more valuable than a virgin's blood, and that a butcher shop near any adventurers guild would be better for finding materials than all the organs in your body. However, I disavow you taking any innocent lives for thoughtless experimentation. There will be no second chances." I said with one last threatening note before moving on.

"The last is Sanguination, which is most commonly practiced but demon beast and the occasional familiar. In simple terms they can turn a pool of blood into a valley of spikes or acid. They can harden the blood in their body to make their skin nearly impenetrable. Or reinforce their body to make themselves stronger. And even in a handful of cases, like the phoenix, use their blood to cure diseases and ailments." I said and noticed that the marquis was once again raising his hand with a question.

Quite the inquisitive fellow, I think I'll get along quite well with him.

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