Chapter 13

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 I am awakened early in the morning by Leto, who gently rocks me awake. She has me get dressed in black skin-tight pants and a flowing white top. We head to the elevator together and rise to the roof where a hovercraft is waiting. I look around and see the other 11 hovercraft on the roofs to pick up their tributes.

We board the craft and are greeted by a doctor from the Capitol. They have me reach out my hand and insert a long needle. There is a jolt of pain and she smiles, "Your tracker is inserted," she says. Now I am fully trackable, the gamemakers will know my precise location, as well as other information such as my vital signs, which they will use to monitor me during the games.

Leto and I are led to the main area, it is a spacious living area with a large buffet in the center. There are several couches along the windows. I grab a plate of food and seat myself so I can look out the window. We begin to ascend and make our way over the Capitol's glittering rainbow buildings. On the horizon, I can see the sun rising. We pass over the crest of a tall mountain and that's when I catch a glimpse of the Cloud. It is massive, several city blocks huge, and is shaped like a half-sphere. Antennas and satellites extend from it, and several screens make up its curved bottom. The sheer magnitude of the craft is inconceivable to me.

We loop around it and begin passing over green woods. Ahead I can see another hovercraft, my guess is the District 8 one carrying Spoola.

We travel for about two hours when the windows go dark. I force myself to eat one last biscuit but it is stuck like glue. I end up spitting it out, so as to not risk vomiting and losing precious nutrients. I can feel the hovercraft descending and feel the lurch of the vehicle as we touch down.

A Gamekeeper's Aide appears in a purple jumpsuit. They lead us from the hovercraft in a large hangar with an open roof that reveals a gloomy sky above. She takes us down a large hallway lined with peacekeepers. I clench my fists and can feel my nails digging into my palms. She leaves us at a door, the launch room, or the stockyard if you are from the districts.

The launch room has a bathroom with a simple shower and toilet, while the main room has a leather couch, sink, and table with two chairs. Sitting on the table is a package with my outfit for the games, a pitcher of water, and a small basket of biscuits. At the far side of the room is my launch tube, a glass cylinder with a large opening in the front.

A woman's voice comes over the loudspeaker, "One hour until launch."

Terror threatens to consume me. I pace back and forth for a minute, while Leto sets up the shower. She leads me into the bathroom and leaves me to use the toilet and shower. This will be my last proper shower for either the rest of my life or at least the next many days until I am declared victor. I linger in the shower for a moment, looking at my yellow nails. I finally leave the shower and head to the sink to brush my teeth.

Leto pulls my hair back into a ponytail so it will stay out of my face during battle. We open the package and I put on the undergarments, black undershirt, sturdy canvas pants, belt with loops to place knives or other weapons, thick black socks, and study running boots. I then put on a light jacket with several pockets. The last thing Leto does is put my mom's necklace around my neck.

We take a seat and I hold tight to the necklace, I see my knuckles whitening under the pressure. Leto takes my spare hand and offers me a piece of bread. I partake in it and realize immediately I've made a mistake. I sprint to the bathroom to throw up, I get a grip before I lose absolutely everything. I brush my teeth again and decide to sip a glass of water while I wait with Leto.

"Ten minutes until launch," the woman's voice says. My stomach is in absolute knots and I struggle to even sip the water, eventually, I have to put the glass down. All I can think about is what happens when we die. What did mom and dad feel when they died in that fiery blast? Will I die in the bloodbath? Even if I don't run into the cornucopia will I be chased? Our group will be hard not to notice. I close my eyes and I feel a tear run down the side of my face.

"You're going to do great," Leto whispers. "I know it."

I nod and brush the tear away, I can't let the audience know that I was crying. I can't be weak. "One minute until launch," the woman's voice says. Panic. I'm trapped, deep beneath the ground in the labyrinth of hallways and machinery under an arena designed to kill 23 people and leave one lone survivor.

"Thirty seconds until launch," the voice says. We stand up and walk to the glass tube for launch.

Leto gives me a small hug, and says, "Be brave."

"Ten seconds until launch."

"Head high," Leto says, "I'll see you soon." With that, the glass cylinder slides shut and everything goes silent. Leto smiles at me, the first real smile. She is truly confident in me, something that I never thought of before.

The plate begins to rise and my body washes over with something. The panic and fear is gone, I am coursing with adrenaline and ready for the games to begin.

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