Chapter 1

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Azrael looked around trying to find his friend Gragul since they had decided to play a game of hide and seek. It had been over an hour since he had seen Gragul so he began reaching out with his powers. Azrael saw where Gragul was at then, and also saw why he hadn't been able to find him. He smiled at the reasoning "That brat turned himself into a hydra." Azrael thought beginning to slowly make his way towards the hydra's nest and preparing his sword, Glefir. Azrael was of the only good interspecies mix in Glamoria, the mix of a demon and an angel. Known as a Nephalem...a freak of nature and the most powerful kind of being in existence. Glefir was a rather unknown sword coming from a rather unknown angel known as Rakhmora. His sword had never actually been in a battle and when he fell it was his last remnant of the Seraph Kingdom, eventually he had mated with a demon and boom!- out comes Azrael, with more powers than any Nephalem in recorded history, which even for his race was rather interesting. He looked around noticing that his surroundings had begun to transition from the dense rainforest of the Bysterian jungle into the heated underground springs of the Bysterian Steppe. Bysteria was the most powerful known country in the world of Glamoria, some fallen angels came with tales of faraway lands over the great blue as most people call it. The angels call it simply the ocean or the sea, it had been created in the great war between archangels and demons. This had ended in a the Elven-Human Concordat. Azrael reached out with his powers again and Gragul was still in the same location. Gragul felt Azrael reach out to try to find him and smirked, he hoped that this time the block would work and Azrael would think he had gone to the opposite side of the forest from the hydra nest. That'd give him the record in hide and seek with Azrael, well he already held that record but he wanted to extend his lead. Then he saw Azrael walk into the hydra nest sword at the ready and decided to try a new tactic against him. Not coming out of hiding when found, the other hydras began speaking to each other and decided to attack this outsider. That made Gragul very happy he had come here as a hydra, he wanted to know exactly where Azrael got all his powers from. Gragul himself was the most powerful of all the shifters in his clan, how was a human outsider who had grown up with him in the clans so much more powerful? What was he, well the village elders knew as did Azrael himself but only due to an extraordinary memory. Azrael had recently began practicing the use and control of his powers Gragul had to say. Azrael was a very slow learner, an idiot, but the elders treated him as if he was a god. It made Gragul very angry because he was supposed to be the most powerful so shouldn't he be treated like a god? He looked over at the bloody scene unfolding before him, Glefir was slashing back and forth from hydra to hydra in a deadly whirlpool of attacks. Left then right slash up parry the claws coming at his back, Azrael was truly an unstoppable swordsman. That was an area of jealousy between his best friend and himself, Azrael was a perfect shot with the bow and arrows and also the greatest swordsman the Northern clans had ever seen. Except for the angels that stopped by on occasion they were the best swordsman in existence. Better even than the elves were, the only thing better than them were the gods. Then Azrael did something new, smirking at the hydras he dropped his sword and held his hand out towards one of the fallen beasts. His irises turned blood red and the rest of his eyes stayed the normal midnight black that always blended so perfectly with the dark purple of his irises on a regular basis. Then Azrael began to chant in a language that Gragul could only recognize as the Elven language, the magic language. "Zeaphir mundoki lamintar bleanca flagor thates daen khiaat." Rise destroyer of my enemies become my flag of death and life. What an odd thing for him to chant Gragul thought to himself right before the fallen hydra rose up from death and it's spirit could be seen returning from the unformed land. Then he heard the other hydras communicating again, but it was only one word and that word was Nephalem. The hydras thought that Azrael was a Nephalem, now it all made sense especially the recent power and the eyes. Gragul passed out in fear also turning back into his normal clansman form.

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