Hey Guys

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Back to the 500 hundred years. 

      Basically what happened in those four hundred years that many people will be happy I just skipped. So READ THIS IS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND NEXT COUPLE PARTS OF STORY!!!

1) Natasha joins the hunt after Nico and Dean/Percy were in Aether's realm for five years. This is because she was betrayed by someone she fell in love with. When the boys find out when they come back, Dean/ Percy puts him in Tartarus to rot for entirety.

2) During this time Percy is being trained by Chaos and his other children beside the five that are helping the gods. They are not told by their brothers and sistes that they are training Percy. This is because one they do not know it is Percy and two Chaos had forbidden it.

3) Percy/ Dean is being trained by the gods and other five primordials. 

4) Chaos is making his plan one that he hopes saves the Universe from Destruction forever. 

Okay that been taken care of we are 500 hundred years from Destruction's point of view when he is ready to strike. The gods and their team do not know about Destruction just yet. They will soon. I am sorry but this is paused until finals are over which is the end of next week. I will try my hardest to have a chapter come out asap, but I still have 3 essays, and two more tests plus my four finals to worry about for the next two weeks. I hope you all forgive me and understand. Thank you for all who have commented, voted, and read this. It means a superperdy duperdy much to me. I hope that you all continue to read this when I put up the next chapter. ~Lady Tempus~

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